Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Story in Progress (Chapter 5)

Chapter 5

Seeing The Unseen

My shadow casts a lonesome shade on the ground.
Two days have already passed since I have slept.
The memories from the nightmare keeps me awake.
Trees are getting fewer and the land more barren. Sands are everywhere.
I should have reached Etched-on-Sand by now.
Where did I go wrong?
Food. I need food.
Luckily, I was able to pick some wild berries before I ended up in this endless land of sands.
I stopped and rested for awhile.
I popped some berries into my mouth and as the sun beats down on me, I feel faint.
I shake myself up and walked some more.
Suddenly, I noticed a faint rushing sound of water.
I followed the sound and found a river flowing downstream.
Without thinking, I flanked down heavily by the riverbed and drank from it hungrily.
The water tastes a little sweet and it completely quenched my thirst.
I feel refreshed and relieved. I splashed the cold water all over my face and as the ripples in the water cleared, I saw myself and suddenly everything changed.
Lots and lots of them.
Piling as high as mountains and flowing and spreading as wide as oceans.
Golds are everywhere!
All around me. All over me.
The sun shine on them and made them glitter, shine and sparkle against the pale sand.
I must be dreaming.
I went and picked up a piece of gold.
It felt real. Heavy and cold.
" I am rich! I am filthy rich! ", I shouted inside my head.
I grabbed a handful of them. Gold, so much gold!
I began shoving them inside my pocket when I caught myself.
No, this can't be real.
All the golds blocked the trail to where I'm going.
This is just my eyes playing tricks on me.
Yeah, just tricks.
I closed and rubbed my eyes.
But when I opened them again, I am standing inside a magnificent marbled room, lined neatly up to the ceiling with millions of clothes!
Rows and rows of them that can fill each girl's heart with content.
Every girl's desire: Richly embroidered clothes, silks, linens that seem to come from all over the world. Long flowing robes of all colors and styles.
Dresses with unique designs.
Gowns with gems embedded on them and so much more. So many many more.
I looked at them with my eyes wide open.
They are all of best quality.
Soft, smooth and fragile to the touch.
My heart longs to try one out and my mind whirls around uncontrollably. I feel lost.
What is happening to me?
I sat down and covered my face.
When I look up once more, I saw myself back in our old house in Faron.
We looked so happy.
One moment we were playing hide and seek and the other my granmama is hugging me.
Laughter fills the air.
My heart aches. Tears roll down my cheeks.
Yes, this is the place I want to be.
This is where I want to be.
I walked closer to my grandmother and found myself suddenly hugging her.
I became me and I am filled with joy.
I held her hand as we walked back inside the house.
The sun is setting and she is tucking me softly in my bed.
The strong scent of orchids fill the air.
I can feel her lips so soft as she kissed me goodnight and walked away.
When she neared the door, she bade me sweet dreams and closed it gently.
I lay there feeling warm and content. Everything is alright now.
Everything is back to where it had been. I feel so happy.
But yet at the same time, I'm also feeling butterflies fluttering in my belly.
I looked up the ceiling and wondered.
I suddenly stiffened and gritted my teeth as I know why.
The stories. She always tells me the story before leaving.
This is not real!
I feel like a dagger had been stabbed right in my heart.
The piercing pain of losing everything all over again, hurts.
But then I woke up!
I remembered my father. He is still alive and I have to find him.
My room suddenly shattered into million pieces.
I found myself still standing on the desert but now I'm staring down a deep pit of darkness.
It is like a giant had decided to chop the ground up leaving a crack in the  middle of nowhere.
This must be the Etched-on-Sand.
As I was wondering how I'm supposed to cross it and where the river went, a bright light suddenly emerged from the gouge.
The light hurts my eyes and I can't look straight at it.
A voice came out of the light and spoke to me.
" I know who you are and what you are...
You have passed the three test that the sand gave to you...
But greater tests and challenges awaits you more.
I am Astrin, keeper of the sand.
The destiny of all are etched on this sand.
Yours is to fulfill the prophecy and bring back justice and peace.
Take this gift, for in the abyss of time you might find this helpful.
Learn from it and treat it well.
Always remember who you are and where you came from.
Farewell, chosen one.
May you choose wisely and win this battle, Fire Deer. "
The light vanished and before my feet lies a shining kris.
Strange markings are all over it, but somewhat I feel like I already know them.
The kris felt light but dangerous, like it is meant to destroy everything that crosses its path.
Its hilt is mold from gold with exquisite designs.
The blade is perfectly sharp and slithers into a crook at the end.
I wrapped it with my handkerchief and secure it in my belt.
I looked right and left of the gouge again and to my surprise, found a narrow bridge.
I tread on it carefully and gave out a sigh of relief as I step on the other side of the gouge.
And as I continued walking, I wonder how I'm supposed to start my training.
The sun is already setting.
A lone shadow casts itself on the ground once more.

(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                                         SP-B/03/21/12

1 comment:

  1. Have you considered promoting your blog?? HAHA I highly recommend that you should! Share your blog to other people you know. :D
