Monday, March 19, 2012

A Story in Progress (Chapter 3)

Chapter 3

A Search for Self

My name is Fawn. But my grandmother just called me Fire Deer.
I don't know what's real or not anymore.
How fast can everything you believed in just crumble and fall to pieces in a blink of an eye.
I'm just a simple person with simple dreams and desire.
That is, before my granmama died.
The only thing that I can remember of my parents are their names:
My mother, Zeniya; the heart of wind and my father, Harim; the pure fire.
What would it feel like when all of us are together?
Would it be as I have dreamt that it would be?
But every time I try to remember how they looked like, granmama's face would always be the first thing that comes to my mind.
Our house is also one of the things that is worth reminiscing.
We used to live in Faron where mountains roll and the trees growl. A small town beside the sea that I had once called home.
I love our garden and how granmama tends them and make flowers bloom all year round.
She always told me stories before tucking me in my bed.
Her stories!--- Granmama said something about stories!
Now I remembered everything.
It is a story of a prophecy that when good and love unites, a creature none like the others would be born.
A creature that is not built for destruction.
A creature that can't be blinded by temptation.
A creature of dignity and determination.
A creature free from all evil and corruption.
A deer.
A Fire Deer.
The day will come when the chosen one will defeat the Fire Lord and end his reign.
And that would be an eighteen year old girl who doesn't even know how to use a sword much more a bow.

I gingerly picked up the map that granmama left for me and looked at it ruefully.
The map itself must have been a thousand years old.
I have to hold it with much care.
Slowly, I unfolded it.
Drawings of lands, mountains, caves and trees came to life.
They have been sketched with much details and precision.
I sighed as I saw Sagabath and the gates of Sorien were almost at the opposite ends.
But the thought of finally be able to see my father, lit a light of hope inside me.
All might not yet be lost.
I took a deep breathe.
I gathered myself up and took the first step of the trail that would lead to my father.
Equipped with only the map and my determination,  a smile curved itself up on my face. 
I looked ahead.
Today is a very fine day.
Birds chirped around me.
Trees rustled before me.
They know who I am.

For I was the one,

I am the one, and 

I will be the one.

( to be continued )
Stranger Passing-By                                   SP-B/03/19/12

1 comment:

  1. Nice.. Very very very magical :D Hi Fawn! :)) will read chapters 4 and 5 now. :D
