Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Never Too Old to be a Mom

Hey guys! This is just an article that I made and I want to share this with you (For no reason at all other than the mere pleasure of blogging). Here goes...

To all the Moms, Mama, Ma, Mamita, Mumsy, Inay, Nay, Nanay and Mother-to-be(s) out there. You're the best!

Pregnancy Over 40

“Get real!”, “Is it possible?” and “Won’t you be like a grandma already by the time your child reaches college?” These are just some of the questions that had formed in my earlier mind while I was still studying in med. school. The world where we are living in now is no doubt in its prime when talking about modern sciences and technologies. It can offer us almost anything from state-of-the-art architectures to advanced medical studies, and to hi-tech gadgets and scientific breakthroughs and nutritional innovations. It was only a matter of time when I completely accepted the fact that it is now possible for women over forty to get pregnant and conceive a child even while already in their pre-menopausal stage. Now the big question here would be “Is it worth all the risks?” Maybe? Or maybe not… But then there are people who would do anything just to complete their family, to have a child of their own and to hold the duties of being a parent. I have heard stories and testimonies of middle-aged women who bravely walked the path to motherhood and succeeded in defying the myth of aging. Now, let’s find out how.

Natural Ways to Get Pregnant

1.     No more barriers
The simplest way to get pregnant is of course to stop using condoms, cervical caps, sponges and other over-the-counter contraceptives. This barrier method is helpful in family planning and so the most obvious thing to do is to eliminate them first when planning to conceive a child. Though it does not guarantee instant pregnancy; so if plan A fails, it’s time for plan B.
Cutting off hormonal contraceptives are a bit harder for the body to readjust with because these steroids act directly to the endocrine system. They are highly effective birth controls but all with a cost. Studies show that using them can promote cancer on the endometrium, breasts and the ovaries.

2.     Start the count
This method is called the Calendar method and it literally uses a calendar to mark your fertility days. Now, how to do just that? Easy, just put an “X” on the first and the last day of your menstruation. An “O”, check, other letters or heart would also do as long as the mark is there. Do this for a couple of months and you would be able to have an estimate when your next period will arrive. Now, count 14 days forward from the first day of your last menstruation, if you are in an average of the 28 days cycle. If not, just add another day forward, if you are in the 29 days; and another if you are in the 30 days. So on and so forth.
You can also mark your basal temperature. Keep a thermometer beside your bed and record your reading every morning, upon waking up. Ovulation occurs soon after your body temperature was slightly increased. If you do this religiously with patience and good-timing, there’s a good chance of you getting pregnant. 

3.     Eat right and live well
Make stress your mortal enemy. If you are a workaholic, try to slow down your world for a while and start a little meditation, yoga, music sessions and food spree! Relax and eat right. It doesn’t mean you have to become a rabbit and eat only the greens, but a good variety of fruits and vegetables will help. Beans and lean meat can do well to your diet also and did I mention a whole lot of good old water?

Pregnant at 50

They say life starts at 50 and to become pregnant, wild and free, I say you couldn’t ask for more. In reality, fertility stops when menopause starts but then as I have said before, this world can now offer us almost anything. From in vitro fertilization to cryopreservation to intrauterine insemination and many more, all are now within our reach just to promote pregnancy even if some are artificial. This issue had become a subject of controversy, especially with the churches; and many had argued that older women wanting to conceive are going against the natural way of life and the design God had made. But I can’t blame them, because I know a woman isn’t complete without a family of her own.

Reasons to be Pregnant

For some women, not wanting to get pregnant is the hardest thing they could ever do; but for others, trying to get pregnant could be their worst nightmare. So, I say the first reason to be glad that you are pregnant should be this: “Count your blessings”. Because being a mom is a gift that should be treasured and cherished. And also, it’s time for shopping! This is the time that you will love being heavy and not care a thing about it. No more diets and say hello to lovely bosoms. Stay pretty and healthy. Always eat right and plan ahead. You are now entitled to nine months of baby dreaming, name picking, nursery decorating and free food cravings. Plus you get your entire husband’s undivided attention so spoil yourself and make the best out of everything. Have fun!

How to Get Pregnant at 40

The scenario here is a distressed damsel already in her forties, wanting to get pregnant but Prince Charming simply lost his way in the forest. But never fear for he might have a GPS installed in his horse somewhere. Or not…
Plan B, a distressed damsel already in her forties, wanting to get pregnant but consulted her doctor first and found out that she can have a child by doing the following listed slightly below.

1.     Live right… as always
Eliminate stress, take vitamins, eat balanced diet, exercise, quit smoking, no to alcohols, cut back caffeine and did I already mention eliminate stress?

2.     Have your blood tested
A quick test on your hormones could conclude how your hormonal levels are doing. This can be followed with a dose or two to pills that can enhance your sleeping-beauty eggs. But be on the guard for likely side effects such as headaches, dizziness and multiple births.

3.     Perform natural ways to get pregnant
Keep your hopes up because it is not too late for you. Prince Charming might really get a GPS installed and he is somewhere out there still looking for you. And if you found him (lucky for you) and you really really want to have a child and you think your clock is ticking fast, why not do it the old fashion way. Do it naturally and don’t forget to consult your doctor from time to time. If all fails, assisted pregnancy is always available.

 Thank you so much for reading and remember, have fun and do it the right way. 

Stranger Passing-By

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