Friday, April 12, 2013

In Stranger Tides

"Ahoy! Land Ho!" his voice thundered through my ears as I watched him climb down his post. Land? Is it really true? After all this time. Shiver me timbers! Yes, I see it! There it is!
Everyone around me had suddenly sprung to action, shouting and running. Their voices may be muffled by the crashing waves yet their excitement can clearly be heard.
"Starboard! C'mon, lad, hoist the colours! Prepare the anchors." barked the captain; his voice booming across the ship, as he made his way through the sea of people. "Aye Aye, Captain!" his crew answered back to him almost happily. We have been sailing the oceans in search for treasures for too long, I have almost forgotten what it felt like to be in dry land. But as we neared the port, countless of memories flood back into my mind. Ah, Aye, the food, the fine wine, the music and the merriment. How can I forget? As I stood on all fours, a sudden drift cleared a low fog and dampened my fur. I watched as the splendor of the city came into full view and excitement took hold of me as we drifted nearer and nearer. Oh! Did I forget to mention that I'm a cat? The name's Tom, after my father, Thomas the Great. I'm not really a pirate, I was just here for the action though it's really hard to live up to the expectations when your father had already accomplished almost everything. " A skilled pirate who was ever as tough and ruthless, Arrr!..." that's how they'd describe me dad. Ok, back to me. I'm your dashingly handsome, young, brave warrior out in search for danger, adventure and love. Meow! And speaking about love, ladies, here I come.
The ship have finally landed. I stretched from head to tail. Ah, the sun is high, the catch are coming in and men and women are bustling everywhere. It's another busy day in the market. Perfect for a starving cat. Rawl! This needs a well-constructed plan. First, locate your target. Done. Second, silently approach your prey. Done. Third, distract the human and focus her attention to you. Done. Lastly, let out a deadly purr. Bingo! Arrr, this is what life is all about, a deliciously fat tuna. I haven't eaten a live fish for ages. My stomach needs some readjustment now from all those dried and pickled fishes that I ate on board. Yuck!
" Hey, pretty boy..."
" Woow! Who said that?" I asked in astonishment as I whirled around. Standing behind me was the most gorgeous feline I have ever laid eyes on.
" How 'bout you and I have a lil nice chat?" her voice luring and so feminine.
" Well, will you look at that. You know I can't deny a pretty lady like you. Why don't ya come near me, me beaut."
Her steps slow and graceful as she inched close to me. I felt my insides churning as I closed my eyes and reached out to kiss her. Her perfume so sweet, I could almost tas---
"Hey! WHAT THE!"
Like lightning, she grabbed my fish and bolted away.
" THIEF!" I snatched my sword and run after her. Oh, you're gonna pay for stealing me lunch! Now, where did you go? I searched everywhere. Every alley, every street and every corner but avast, there was no sign of her. The sky is getting dark and I should be looking for a place to stay.
" Thirty silver coins, sir."
" THIRTY SILVER COINS?! What's that? Your room's made of gold?" I asked in bewilderment as I reached for the coins in my satchel.
" Thank you, sir. That will be room 301." The hotel clerk cheerfully said. I glared at him and wondered how he still managed to be in his best manner after I shouted at him. Guess, it's his job. Anyway... I rolled my eyes and followed the bellboy to my room. I was so tired that by the time we got there, my eyes were already half closed. I shut the door right at the boy's face as he finished putting my luggage in. No tip for you. Geez, the room's already so expensive. I thought I'll be up the whole night but when my head touched the pillows, well, goodnight. What a day. I slept soundly without knowing that a pair of eyes had already watched my every move.

To be continued... This is another story I'm writing. Hope I can actually give it an ending. Wish me luck and thank you for reading : )

Stranger Passing-By

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