Monday, March 26, 2012

A story in Progress (Chapter 7)

Chapter 7

The Hunt

The wind is cool and the sky gives off a wonderful mixture of purple, blue and yellow.
Everything is calm and still as they await the glory of the sun.
A few wisps of smoke and bits of ashes and coals are all that have remained from last night's campfire.
I feel well revived today and eagerness overwhelms me.
As I looked around, I noticed that the little creature is nowhere to be found.
Was it just a dream?
I was pondering on this when my stomach gave out a growl.
Well, one thing's for sure... I'm starving!
As I venture out into some nearby woods, a sudden noise echoed itself among the trees.
I stood still and listened.
I continued walking.
Then there it is again but now the sound is more distinct.
Curiosity gets the better of me as I walked towards it.
It sounds like a cry or a groan of a child.
Maybe someone needs help. But who would it be in this kind of place.
As I neared the sound, I came across a cave.
Its mouth gaping wide open and showing nothing inside but darkness.
I shuddered as I realized the noise is coming from in there.
I took up my courage and step into it, slowly.
Inside, the atmosphere is cold. A combination of sand, soil and dirt makes up the wall.
The cry is loud enough now for me to find it.
Aided by the dim light where I came in, I inched my way through.
Then there it was right before my eyes.
The creature that had been my company through out the long night.
It let out a purr as I removed some stones that had entrapped it.
Eventually, my dear little friend went out exploring on its own and gets itself tangled into this mess.
As we were about to leave, thundering hooves stopped us dead from our tracks.
Horses!... Malgators!
I panicked as those thoughts entered my mind.
We jumped into the nearest hiding place that we could find just in time before one of the men came into view. There were 20 of them. All dressed in robes with something like headbands that cover their faces. I relaxed a bit as I realized they were not the malgators. But my nervousness came back as I noticed their swords sticking out from their capes.
They moved about swiftly without making any noise like they were in a hurry or something.
My curiosity rouse again as I wonder what twenty men are doing in a cave like this.
I watched as they form a circle among themselves. Their faces indistinguishable.
Then, they just stood there long enough for my legs to start aching when I heard a humming noise.
A chant. At first, small and weakly then gradually increases in volume until the whole cave is filled with their voices. I made out the words of their chant. They repeated it over and over again.
" Rah Men Akir Den Pusti Sum... "
I almost got bored when I noticed the sand under their feet suddenly sifted.
The rolling motion started out slowly then it kept up its pace until the sand looks like it became a whirlpool of dirt and soil.
Finally, the sand shaped itself into stairs rounding down the ground.
The sandmen broke up and one by one, they went down the flight of steps.
Now, Aris (As i have decided to name him) had behaved himself through out session, but when the last sandman went down the stairs, He dashed after him and disappeared above the ground.
I chased after him and made myself go down one step at a time.
The glow of crystals spurting out from everywhere greeted me as I entered the domed-shaped den lined with columns of pillars.
I quickly hide myself as I saw one of the men coming near.
They seemed like bandits to me as they sat around the fire that they have made. One of them, apparently the leader, was saying something that makes the others cheer.
This place is nothing like I have seen.
Piles of golds and treasures are scattered everywhere.
I spotted Aris on the farthest corner enjoying himself a grand banquet, for a table was set up and foods fit for a king were laid out on top of it.
The sandmen were shouting now and seems to be having a grand time when I ease my way in.
I stopped walking when I suddenly heard voices crying.
The eerie noise made me shudder.
It seems to be coming from everywhere.
I looked up. Behold, cages were hanging down from the ceiling.
Children are locked in some of them.
My eyes scanned the place, searching for something that can help them escape.
I quickly ducked behind a large pile of golds as one of the bandits came near and shouted at the children to quiet them down.
Now, by this time, Aris had already filled his stomach and came scampering down to me.
How strange that the sandmen didn't even notice him as he ran by.
I looked at him as he found my hiding place and crawled on my lap.
As I met his dark round eyes, he seemed to understand that I needed to do something.
I felt a connection between the two of us and we set to work without even saying a word.
I took out the kris and I can feel that every inch of me is ready for action.
I spotted the ropes of the cages that were tied down just to my left.
If only there's distraction... then suddenly food began flying all over the place.
Exactly what I needed.
I went straight to the ropes and untied the knots.
I only have to choose which gates are to be freed.
Foods are still flying everywhere and the bandits are going crazy as they run around trying to catch a lightning speed Aris.
After awhile, the last cage with children was finally lowered down.
The children hovered around me. They looked scared, trembling and crying as I kneel down and comforted them.
I whistled at Aris as we make our great escape.
The men spotted us and were furiously chasing after us.
Luckily, we have a good head start.
We hurried up the stairs of sand with Aris leading the way.
As we all immersed from the ground, instincts told me to recite the chant.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.
" Rah Men Akir Den Pusti Sum... 
  Rah Men Akir Den Pusti Sum... 
  Rah Men Akir Den Pusti Islosum... " 
I felt terribly faint as the sand before me began to shuffle and close.
The voices of the sandmen, shouting and cursing can still be heard.
I toppled over and just lay there on the cool, smooth floor of the cave.
I began feeling ticklish as Aris licks my entire face.
The children hugged me as I stood up.
There were laughter now.
I asked the children, 7 of them, to where they live.
They told me they were from the town of Banshee.
I guess that would be the next place that I'll be going.
I was still thinking what overcomes me as I recited the chant when I suddenly heard baying and hooves.
The horses are still here.
I was relieved as I was wondering how I'm going to get these children safely to their homes.
Together, hand in hand, we walked out of the cave.
By now, the sun is already in its high noon.
My stomach growls again, as I realized I haven't eaten anything yet.
I walked towards the horses. They were skittish at first but when I touched their heads, they calmed down at once. I took only three of them as there were at least 30 of them and set the others free.
The gorgeous animals neighed and played with each other as they galloped further and further away.
I looked at the three horses that I have chosen. All of them wore their black coats.
They stood there unwavering like they were waiting for my commands when I noticed that each of them is carrying a bulging knapsack.
I took one down and opened it.
To my surprise, foods and gold were filled up to the brim.
I checked the others and came back smiling.
The foods will last us for weeks, maybe even months.
We settled down under the shade of a nearby tree.
We talked and laughed and joked around as we share our meals together.
Aris is just lying there beside the horses, feeling warm and content.
When it was time to leave, we packed our things and helped each other ride up the horses.
I assigned Trom on the second horse for he is the oldest and Sedah, on the third, for she is the bravest. They would be looking after the other two that would be riding with them.
I brought along Neri, the youngest, with me and helped her sit before me.
Aris is already sprawled behind me
Together, we set out still heading towards west to the town of Banshee not knowing what would happen to us on our way.
The horses kept a steady pace, as the sun began setting down again.

(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                                                                                            SP-B/03/26/12

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