Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Story in Progress (Chapter 2)

Chapter 2

"Secrets can never be kept forever..."

The sun shines brightly, blinding my eyes.
I woke up.
I feel dizzy but fortunately, the pain in my head had already subsided.
I shielded the sun from my face.
With great effort, I tried to focus. But everything just doesn't make much sense.
Sitting up, I realized I was lying on a meadow.
This place seems familiar but I don't know where.
Grass tickles my legs as I tried to stand up.
The chirping of birds and fragrance of flowers filled the air.
The sky is in its perfect hue. Everything seems so quiet and serene.
Is this what heaven looks and feels like?
I snapped out of my thoughts as my attention was drawn to someone coming.
I can make some of its outline now.
It's a little frail old woman... but...
wait... could it be? Can it be possible?
All of my heart's longing have been granted as I ran towards her, arms stretched.
Tears blurred my vision.
I hugged her with all my might and have no single intention of letting her go.
My grandma, my dearest grandmother.
The scent of her hair always have a hint of peaches and I always love how she would pat me in the back and assure me that everything will be alright.
I still can't believe any of these is really happening as we settle down under the shade of what seemed to be like a hundred year old oak tree. I love how its branches, so big and thick, are destined to never ending reach for the sky.
As I watched my grandma, how her glasses reflects the shining sun, she spoke with kindness and much wisdom.
But what she was about to say will change my destiny forever.
" My dear fawn... Do you remember this place? " she asked to my surprise.
" I... I... think? "
" You've been here. We once came here when you were still very small. "
" You mean with papa and mama? " I asked with delight.
" Yes. This place is called Sagabath. The place where all memories lie. The center of all tranquility. "
I gave out a big sigh. Finally, after for so long. I feel safe. I feel belong. I feel at ease.
" It's time for you to know, " she suddenly said without any expressions.
Dumb struck, I just looked at her.
" We belong to the clan of the Fire Demon, "
" The land of Hibas where everything burns in eternity." she continued.
" Granmama, (as I often call her) what are you talking about? We live in Faron, remember? " I asked hysterically.
I feel like the table is about to turn and everything on it is about to fall.
" My dear fawn, I know this is going to be hard for you, but this is the land where you were born. The human world was only our retreat to avoid our enemies. Also... your father is still alive. "
Completely caught off-guard, I asked her how.
" I know I told you he is already dead but that was for your own protection, " she sombered.
" To protect me from whom? "
" From the Fire Lord and his malgators... "
" W-Who are they and w-what do they want from me? " I stuttered. My stomach tightened into a knot.
" The Fire lord is the ruler of all of Hibas. He is the father of our clan. He fears you for you are the fruit of all goodness and pure love. You are the Fire Deer. The one destined to fight havoc and let peace rule itself once more. Remember my stories. " she spoke with pride and fear.
Stories? My brain still can't process all of these information when she continued.
" You have to journey to find your father locked in the gates of Sorien. Together, you and him will unleash the light and let freedom rule. But beware of the Malgators for they are Fire Wolves in different forms, out to search for you. " she warned.
" But how did we get to Faron? " I asked naively.
" Your papa, mama and I escaped from there. You were just an infant then. The Fire Lord was very angry when he found out. He send the malgators on our trail. We managed to fight them off but your mama was badly hurt and your papa was captured as he defends us and let us escape through the Etched-on-Sand. Your mama and I found a safe place to stay for the night. Afterwards, she transferred all her lights, Akari, into this ring (she pointed to the one I'm wearing) and gave her final breathe to protect you. " she sobbed as she spoke.
I looked at my ring, a simple silver ring with what seems like butterflies, hearts and wind etched on it.
I remembered how it glowed, shimmered and heated while I was being attacked by the malgators.
" Their love was forbidden. Only the Fire Lord have the power to choose who is fit for one another. Nevertheless, they always found way. Love always find way. " Questions are still swirling around my head and I can't seem to find the right words to say when granmama spoke once more.
" You must protect your ring, your Akari, your light, at all times. Practice and control your powers. "
Suddenly, a bright white light envelopes us completely. As I squinted and tried to focus, I saw my grandmother drifting away. She radiates with so much light that it's hard to look at her face.
" But granmama... " I shouted.
" How do I find papa! " I stumbled on my feet and run after her.
" You will find him with your heart. Trust in yourself. And May all the stars of Akari shines brightly and protect you. " Her voice is like a distant rolling wind.
With that, the white light vanished and everything went back to its normal pace.
I walked back and sat under the broad oak tree and found a map where granmama was once sitted.

(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                                                                                          SP-B/03/15/12

1 comment:

  1. Oh men.. It's brilliant!!! Sariling kwento mo lang talaga to?!? Kaka-excite!

    Will wait for Chapter 3! ^^,
