Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Spinach Guide

Yesterday is a wrong-timing day but today is a heck-of-a-funny day. It started this morning while I was chatting with my sister. Our topic is strictly confidential though. HAHA. Anyway, moving-on. EHEM. So... Earlier, I was out buying something for our lunch and dinner. I chanced upon some healthy looking spinach. I was thinking that its been a long time since I have eaten one much more cooked one. So I decided to purchase them. While I was waiting at the counter, the bagger lady suddenly asked me what those vegetables are. I looked at her and replied with a smile. Then the cashier lady snapped at her and rather boastfully said that those vegetables are spinach. She even added that they can be made into a salad. I was thinking: " ah... er... hehe.. okay..?!", when the bagger lady said I don't know them but aren't those only eaten by Chinese? I was like: " Ahahahaha... ok... Yeah, right." HAHA. I was still laughing while I was heading home. The bagger lady even asked me how I was going to cook them.
Alright! As per request of the bagger lady, I'm going to present to you... COOKING 101: A Spinach Guide.

 "COOKING 101: A Spinach Guide"

Lets get those knives chopping and pans frying!!!
For starters, these leafy green vegetables are called Spinach.You have to buy a kilo of them for a serving of four. Looks are highly deceiving here.

Now this is the crucial part. To serve them, you have to pinch off the leaves, stems and everything. You don't chop or slice them as you do with cabbages, carrots & etc. In this part, you will also encounter what I want to call the stockings. You have to tear them apart while pinching off the spinach. They are thin lining membranes (as shown) that needs to be removed because if you don't they are rather hard and irritating once you eat them. They are chewy and you will gnaw at them till you have no choice but to spit them out.

After an hour and a half. Voilà! A potful of spinach. HAHA. I told you looks can be deceiving.

Then, W.W.W... hahaha, "Wash With Water".

You can also add some meat, as in my case, grounded pork to attain a perfect balanced meal. Marinate it with soy sauce, fish sauce and some rock salt.

Chop up some onions and garlic while pre-heating the stove to 121 C (250 F), 15psi, 15min. HAHA. Joking. Just pre-heat stove with oil for 5-10 mins. The pan needs to be really really hot when cooking this delicacy.

When the stove is really hot, saute some onions and garlic then add in the meat product. My grounded pork suddenly looked like a patty.

After sauteing, set aside meat and add in the spinach. The pan is literally over flowing. I had a hard time stirring. HAHA.

Then add in some seasoning, a pinch of salt and 1-1/2 teaspoon of sugar. Bring back the meat and when everything turned bright green, turn off stove and put lid on. Don't over cook the veggies. Trust me. You don't want that.

Bon Appétit!

Caution: There is a high possibility that when men eat this, they might turn into Popeye whereas females might turn into a papaya.

A healthy way of living.

Stranger Passing-By

The Ugly Tadpole

The Ugly Tadpole
Adapted from YGC Prayer Bulletin Vol. 35 Issue 2
"Letter to an Incomplete, Insecure Teenager" by Pastor John Piper.

Note: Some of the contents here had not been paraphrased and was copied without permission. I just want to share this with no other intention of whatsoever. HAHA. Enjoy.

Once upon a time, there was an ugly tadpole living in an enchanted pond. The ugly tadpole longs to be a beautiful butterfly instead of a wiggly, wobbly, slimy, unsecured, self-absorbed, introverted half of a fish-like creature. But as he grows up his looks became weirder and weirder. First, little teeny legs pop out from his sides, then later two more from behind and then to complete it off, a grossly looking humped back. His other fish friends have already left him behind because they thought that the tadpole had became uglier. Now, a half-developed frog fits nowhere. But God is good. He has a plan for every tadpoles, toads and frogs. Little did the toad knows that his change is not a mutation but a metamorphosis to something bigger and stronger! He may not turn into a butterfly, as he has already accepted, but he may turn into something useful. Something that God can use as an instrument as long as he will just set his eyes on the Lord and all of His glory instead of his own slime and imperfections.
So Love and Believe in God because He has more great froggy things for you. Your joy comes from what you see. We are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared. There is another metamorphosis awaiting. It just gets better and better, God is infinite. So there will always be more of His glory for a finite mind to see. There will be no boredom in eternity.

A Story of Life.

Stranger Passing-By

Monday, March 26, 2012

A story in Progress (Chapter 7)

Chapter 7

The Hunt

The wind is cool and the sky gives off a wonderful mixture of purple, blue and yellow.
Everything is calm and still as they await the glory of the sun.
A few wisps of smoke and bits of ashes and coals are all that have remained from last night's campfire.
I feel well revived today and eagerness overwhelms me.
As I looked around, I noticed that the little creature is nowhere to be found.
Was it just a dream?
I was pondering on this when my stomach gave out a growl.
Well, one thing's for sure... I'm starving!
As I venture out into some nearby woods, a sudden noise echoed itself among the trees.
I stood still and listened.
I continued walking.
Then there it is again but now the sound is more distinct.
Curiosity gets the better of me as I walked towards it.
It sounds like a cry or a groan of a child.
Maybe someone needs help. But who would it be in this kind of place.
As I neared the sound, I came across a cave.
Its mouth gaping wide open and showing nothing inside but darkness.
I shuddered as I realized the noise is coming from in there.
I took up my courage and step into it, slowly.
Inside, the atmosphere is cold. A combination of sand, soil and dirt makes up the wall.
The cry is loud enough now for me to find it.
Aided by the dim light where I came in, I inched my way through.
Then there it was right before my eyes.
The creature that had been my company through out the long night.
It let out a purr as I removed some stones that had entrapped it.
Eventually, my dear little friend went out exploring on its own and gets itself tangled into this mess.
As we were about to leave, thundering hooves stopped us dead from our tracks.
Horses!... Malgators!
I panicked as those thoughts entered my mind.
We jumped into the nearest hiding place that we could find just in time before one of the men came into view. There were 20 of them. All dressed in robes with something like headbands that cover their faces. I relaxed a bit as I realized they were not the malgators. But my nervousness came back as I noticed their swords sticking out from their capes.
They moved about swiftly without making any noise like they were in a hurry or something.
My curiosity rouse again as I wonder what twenty men are doing in a cave like this.
I watched as they form a circle among themselves. Their faces indistinguishable.
Then, they just stood there long enough for my legs to start aching when I heard a humming noise.
A chant. At first, small and weakly then gradually increases in volume until the whole cave is filled with their voices. I made out the words of their chant. They repeated it over and over again.
" Rah Men Akir Den Pusti Sum... "
I almost got bored when I noticed the sand under their feet suddenly sifted.
The rolling motion started out slowly then it kept up its pace until the sand looks like it became a whirlpool of dirt and soil.
Finally, the sand shaped itself into stairs rounding down the ground.
The sandmen broke up and one by one, they went down the flight of steps.
Now, Aris (As i have decided to name him) had behaved himself through out session, but when the last sandman went down the stairs, He dashed after him and disappeared above the ground.
I chased after him and made myself go down one step at a time.
The glow of crystals spurting out from everywhere greeted me as I entered the domed-shaped den lined with columns of pillars.
I quickly hide myself as I saw one of the men coming near.
They seemed like bandits to me as they sat around the fire that they have made. One of them, apparently the leader, was saying something that makes the others cheer.
This place is nothing like I have seen.
Piles of golds and treasures are scattered everywhere.
I spotted Aris on the farthest corner enjoying himself a grand banquet, for a table was set up and foods fit for a king were laid out on top of it.
The sandmen were shouting now and seems to be having a grand time when I ease my way in.
I stopped walking when I suddenly heard voices crying.
The eerie noise made me shudder.
It seems to be coming from everywhere.
I looked up. Behold, cages were hanging down from the ceiling.
Children are locked in some of them.
My eyes scanned the place, searching for something that can help them escape.
I quickly ducked behind a large pile of golds as one of the bandits came near and shouted at the children to quiet them down.
Now, by this time, Aris had already filled his stomach and came scampering down to me.
How strange that the sandmen didn't even notice him as he ran by.
I looked at him as he found my hiding place and crawled on my lap.
As I met his dark round eyes, he seemed to understand that I needed to do something.
I felt a connection between the two of us and we set to work without even saying a word.
I took out the kris and I can feel that every inch of me is ready for action.
I spotted the ropes of the cages that were tied down just to my left.
If only there's distraction... then suddenly food began flying all over the place.
Exactly what I needed.
I went straight to the ropes and untied the knots.
I only have to choose which gates are to be freed.
Foods are still flying everywhere and the bandits are going crazy as they run around trying to catch a lightning speed Aris.
After awhile, the last cage with children was finally lowered down.
The children hovered around me. They looked scared, trembling and crying as I kneel down and comforted them.
I whistled at Aris as we make our great escape.
The men spotted us and were furiously chasing after us.
Luckily, we have a good head start.
We hurried up the stairs of sand with Aris leading the way.
As we all immersed from the ground, instincts told me to recite the chant.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.
" Rah Men Akir Den Pusti Sum... 
  Rah Men Akir Den Pusti Sum... 
  Rah Men Akir Den Pusti Islosum... " 
I felt terribly faint as the sand before me began to shuffle and close.
The voices of the sandmen, shouting and cursing can still be heard.
I toppled over and just lay there on the cool, smooth floor of the cave.
I began feeling ticklish as Aris licks my entire face.
The children hugged me as I stood up.
There were laughter now.
I asked the children, 7 of them, to where they live.
They told me they were from the town of Banshee.
I guess that would be the next place that I'll be going.
I was still thinking what overcomes me as I recited the chant when I suddenly heard baying and hooves.
The horses are still here.
I was relieved as I was wondering how I'm going to get these children safely to their homes.
Together, hand in hand, we walked out of the cave.
By now, the sun is already in its high noon.
My stomach growls again, as I realized I haven't eaten anything yet.
I walked towards the horses. They were skittish at first but when I touched their heads, they calmed down at once. I took only three of them as there were at least 30 of them and set the others free.
The gorgeous animals neighed and played with each other as they galloped further and further away.
I looked at the three horses that I have chosen. All of them wore their black coats.
They stood there unwavering like they were waiting for my commands when I noticed that each of them is carrying a bulging knapsack.
I took one down and opened it.
To my surprise, foods and gold were filled up to the brim.
I checked the others and came back smiling.
The foods will last us for weeks, maybe even months.
We settled down under the shade of a nearby tree.
We talked and laughed and joked around as we share our meals together.
Aris is just lying there beside the horses, feeling warm and content.
When it was time to leave, we packed our things and helped each other ride up the horses.
I assigned Trom on the second horse for he is the oldest and Sedah, on the third, for she is the bravest. They would be looking after the other two that would be riding with them.
I brought along Neri, the youngest, with me and helped her sit before me.
Aris is already sprawled behind me
Together, we set out still heading towards west to the town of Banshee not knowing what would happen to us on our way.
The horses kept a steady pace, as the sun began setting down again.

(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                                                                                            SP-B/03/26/12

The Jogger

Rouse in the morning with yawn and creaks,
The jogger dressed and drank in a nick.
Off he went out of the bricks,
Into the mist of the early mist.

As the jogger jogged and huffed
People began to stare and looked at him buffed.
The jogger wondered with a puff,
But still continued as he let out a cough.

On and on he went and met more people,
As he watched them stretch, run and do some jiggle.
The jogger slowed down little by little,
When he finally came to a stop feeling feeble.

Alas, it is time for him to go home,
All sweaty and dirty like a garden gnome.
People still stare as they saw him roam,
Farewell dear jogger, next time bring a comb.

A hearty laugh of a poem.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                                     SP-B/03/26/12

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Story in Progress (Chapter 6)

Chapter 6

The First Symbol

The fire cracked loudly as it burns its way through the firewood.
Stars are already lit up against the black sky.
I found a patch of wood to stay for the night. Tomorrow, I'll find more food.
I took out the kris and look at all the inscriptions on the blade.
I furrowed my brow.
I don't know how but I get this unfathomable feeling that I've seen it before.
The first marking is a drawing of a circle with three curved lines underneath it.
I studied it for a long time.
Finally, I gave out a deep sigh.
My eyes must have played trick on me when I saw the mark on the blade shine faintly and dimmed.
A soft wind drifted by and I closed my eyes.
I breathed deeply, slowly and steadily and let it all out.
I did it once more and I can feel my ring getting warmer.
I sensed that something unlocked inside me.
I don't know what and I can't explain how but I feel like I'm filled up to the brim with pure energy and enthusiasm. The same feeling you get when you are so eager to do something that you can't wait any longer.
I was in the middle of enjoying this sensation when I lost my concentration because the ring began burning through my finger again.
I looked at the dagger and now I distinctively saw the light fading slowly.
Breathing! It is teaching me how to breathe and concentrate.
I almost shouted with glee when I suddenly saw something moved. A shadow lurked by.
I clutched the dagger with both of my hands hoping for the worst.
A rustle of leaves here and a little footsteps there.
I looked everywhere, instincts control me now.
A nearby bush suddenly shook.
I closed on it, little by little.
My right hand, holding the dagger, is raised up high as I pushed some leaves back.
Suddenly, a surprised creature no bigger than a dog leaped straight at me as I was about to strike.
Shocked, I fell back and tumbled down on the ground.
I regained standing again but some of the wild berries spilled out from my pockets.
The creature was about to escape when suddenly it came back.
Panic. I thought it was about to charge at me again when it slowly creeps up to one of the fallen berries and nibbled at it.
Half dazed, I reached into my pocket and pulled out another fruit.
Slowly, I crouched down and extended my hand to him.
At first, the creature that resembles a bear but with horns on its head and a tail of a lion, hesitated. Then after a minute or so, it came closer to me.
It sniffed my hand first and finally took the treat.
Without moving my hand, I sat and positioned myself.
I closed my eyes once again and began breathing. In. Out. In. Out.
The ring began to radiate with warmth again.
The creature suddenly overcame its skittishness and came closer to me.
I can feel its rich dark fur now.
It sat on my lap as I patted it.
We were like two old companions sitting outside by the fire.
Breathing in and out. In and out.

(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                                   SP-B/03/22/12

My Bit of a Heart

A muscle for a machine,
All rusty till its shins.
Sitting where no one could be seen,
Staring as lifeless as a tin.

Empty is in its body,
Only knots, bolts and gears so dusty,
Where webs spun up gladly,
Is a place locked down tightly.

Could this be the key?
A muscle you can't see,
Pumping life for thee,
Releasing joy with glee.

But Alas,
How can a heart fit in a tin.
When there's no one to put it in.
Impossible things you can only dream.
In a night filled with serene.

A muscle for a machine,
Still waiting for someone's time and will...

A peek inside my head.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                                     SP-B/03/22/12

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Radio Joke

Setting: In a Classroom
Topic: Rizal
Characters: Teacher and Juan

Teacher: It's time for our daily recitation again.
             Juan, where was Rizal shot?
             Clue, it begins with the letter "B"...

Juan: Ah... ma'am... sa Back?

Teacher: Ah... It could be, but No!
             Alright, one more clue for you,
             it can also begin with the letter "L"...

Juan: Ah... Eh... Likod?

Teacher: No... No... This word is much more known as the "R. Park"...

Juan: Ma'am, I think I got it! It's the Rear Park...

Teacher: Ano ba yan!? Puro Likod pa din...

(Via, 107.1 Win Radio @ 12:05pm)
Note: Some texts are modified and were translated to English with no permission.

Haha... Just for laugh, guys!

The Lighter Side of Life.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                     SP-B/03/21/12

A Story in Progress (Chapter 5)

Chapter 5

Seeing The Unseen

My shadow casts a lonesome shade on the ground.
Two days have already passed since I have slept.
The memories from the nightmare keeps me awake.
Trees are getting fewer and the land more barren. Sands are everywhere.
I should have reached Etched-on-Sand by now.
Where did I go wrong?
Food. I need food.
Luckily, I was able to pick some wild berries before I ended up in this endless land of sands.
I stopped and rested for awhile.
I popped some berries into my mouth and as the sun beats down on me, I feel faint.
I shake myself up and walked some more.
Suddenly, I noticed a faint rushing sound of water.
I followed the sound and found a river flowing downstream.
Without thinking, I flanked down heavily by the riverbed and drank from it hungrily.
The water tastes a little sweet and it completely quenched my thirst.
I feel refreshed and relieved. I splashed the cold water all over my face and as the ripples in the water cleared, I saw myself and suddenly everything changed.
Lots and lots of them.
Piling as high as mountains and flowing and spreading as wide as oceans.
Golds are everywhere!
All around me. All over me.
The sun shine on them and made them glitter, shine and sparkle against the pale sand.
I must be dreaming.
I went and picked up a piece of gold.
It felt real. Heavy and cold.
" I am rich! I am filthy rich! ", I shouted inside my head.
I grabbed a handful of them. Gold, so much gold!
I began shoving them inside my pocket when I caught myself.
No, this can't be real.
All the golds blocked the trail to where I'm going.
This is just my eyes playing tricks on me.
Yeah, just tricks.
I closed and rubbed my eyes.
But when I opened them again, I am standing inside a magnificent marbled room, lined neatly up to the ceiling with millions of clothes!
Rows and rows of them that can fill each girl's heart with content.
Every girl's desire: Richly embroidered clothes, silks, linens that seem to come from all over the world. Long flowing robes of all colors and styles.
Dresses with unique designs.
Gowns with gems embedded on them and so much more. So many many more.
I looked at them with my eyes wide open.
They are all of best quality.
Soft, smooth and fragile to the touch.
My heart longs to try one out and my mind whirls around uncontrollably. I feel lost.
What is happening to me?
I sat down and covered my face.
When I look up once more, I saw myself back in our old house in Faron.
We looked so happy.
One moment we were playing hide and seek and the other my granmama is hugging me.
Laughter fills the air.
My heart aches. Tears roll down my cheeks.
Yes, this is the place I want to be.
This is where I want to be.
I walked closer to my grandmother and found myself suddenly hugging her.
I became me and I am filled with joy.
I held her hand as we walked back inside the house.
The sun is setting and she is tucking me softly in my bed.
The strong scent of orchids fill the air.
I can feel her lips so soft as she kissed me goodnight and walked away.
When she neared the door, she bade me sweet dreams and closed it gently.
I lay there feeling warm and content. Everything is alright now.
Everything is back to where it had been. I feel so happy.
But yet at the same time, I'm also feeling butterflies fluttering in my belly.
I looked up the ceiling and wondered.
I suddenly stiffened and gritted my teeth as I know why.
The stories. She always tells me the story before leaving.
This is not real!
I feel like a dagger had been stabbed right in my heart.
The piercing pain of losing everything all over again, hurts.
But then I woke up!
I remembered my father. He is still alive and I have to find him.
My room suddenly shattered into million pieces.
I found myself still standing on the desert but now I'm staring down a deep pit of darkness.
It is like a giant had decided to chop the ground up leaving a crack in the  middle of nowhere.
This must be the Etched-on-Sand.
As I was wondering how I'm supposed to cross it and where the river went, a bright light suddenly emerged from the gouge.
The light hurts my eyes and I can't look straight at it.
A voice came out of the light and spoke to me.
" I know who you are and what you are...
You have passed the three test that the sand gave to you...
But greater tests and challenges awaits you more.
I am Astrin, keeper of the sand.
The destiny of all are etched on this sand.
Yours is to fulfill the prophecy and bring back justice and peace.
Take this gift, for in the abyss of time you might find this helpful.
Learn from it and treat it well.
Always remember who you are and where you came from.
Farewell, chosen one.
May you choose wisely and win this battle, Fire Deer. "
The light vanished and before my feet lies a shining kris.
Strange markings are all over it, but somewhat I feel like I already know them.
The kris felt light but dangerous, like it is meant to destroy everything that crosses its path.
Its hilt is mold from gold with exquisite designs.
The blade is perfectly sharp and slithers into a crook at the end.
I wrapped it with my handkerchief and secure it in my belt.
I looked right and left of the gouge again and to my surprise, found a narrow bridge.
I tread on it carefully and gave out a sigh of relief as I step on the other side of the gouge.
And as I continued walking, I wonder how I'm supposed to start my training.
The sun is already setting.
A lone shadow casts itself on the ground once more.

(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                                         SP-B/03/21/12

A Story in Progress (Chapter 4)

Chapter 4

The Journey Begins

I was cornered once more by those black hooded men.
They inched their way in. Closer and closer.
Suddenly, I felt a hot surge of pain on my back and I involuntarily collapsed to the ground.
Everything, everywhere is darkness.
I can't make a single thing out.
I yelped as another bolt of pain hit me once again.
My whole body felt numb.
I felt my own blood dripping down my face.
Fear paralyzed me.
Then, right before my eyes, the black hooded men began to change shape.
Fangs, claws and fiery eyes, as fast as lightning lunged at me.
And suddenly I fell down a deep gouge.

I woke up. Panting.
I wiped the sweat from my brow.
Thank goodness, it's just a dream.
A nightmare that I still can't confront.
I steadied myself.
I am still in the middle of the Sagabath.
According to the map, maybe just a few more days, I'll reach the Etched-on-Sand.
Broods of trees grow around me.
I picked myself up.
No time to be sleeping now.
I continued walking heading towards west.

(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                            SP-B/03/21/12

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Guide to Hibas

As promised, these pictures are just a little something that I have made to give life to my story.

Sketch of the Fire Deer

This would be the cover page of my book, that is, if ever it would be published. HAHA. Though, the main character of the story will not literally transform into a burning beast, just to clear things up. But she would be able to possess and gain more powers. The next chapters will reveal more of her exciting adventures, challenges, problems, searches, doubts and intelligence. So stay tuned.

  Map of Hibas

This map will act as a guide for you throughout the story. It unveils all the main plots that will take place.
We started at Sagabath, the center of tranquility. It is depicted on the lower right portion of the map. The only place that can support life. As we travel towards West, the Etched-on-Sand will crook its way. Then the Tomb of Banshee will appear in the shape of a diamond. It is located just to the left of the Etched-on-Sand. Farther west, is the Kaar Desert. It is the one with a lot of hill-like drawings. It stretches its way up to a volcano which is the Guardian of Fire. Then to its left is the Gates of Sorien. The place where the final battle will take place. Also, up north is The Barren Land. The lost gets more lost in there because I still have no single idea what I'm going to do with it. hahaha. So if I were you, I'll start packing my bags and buying lots of sunscreens because we still have a long long way to go.

 My Writer Mode
Hahaha... this is just me fooling around. Actually, the sweater is my dad's and I have no idea that it would look good on me. LOL. Despite our current weather which is very VERY hot, this is the time when all of a sudden everything just cooled down. Also, this is the time when I just finished writing Chapter 6. Yeay!

Behind me are my stack of books. From second to fourth year college. My first year and half of my second year's are already gone with the wind after moving to our current house. To be honest, everything is still a mess even though we have already settled in for about a year or so already. Oh well, you can never be too neat. ^_^

Hope you enjoyed this guide and thank you so much for still reading my story. It means so much to me!

A day with me.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                                     SP-B/03/19/12

A Story in Progress (Chapter 3)

Chapter 3

A Search for Self

My name is Fawn. But my grandmother just called me Fire Deer.
I don't know what's real or not anymore.
How fast can everything you believed in just crumble and fall to pieces in a blink of an eye.
I'm just a simple person with simple dreams and desire.
That is, before my granmama died.
The only thing that I can remember of my parents are their names:
My mother, Zeniya; the heart of wind and my father, Harim; the pure fire.
What would it feel like when all of us are together?
Would it be as I have dreamt that it would be?
But every time I try to remember how they looked like, granmama's face would always be the first thing that comes to my mind.
Our house is also one of the things that is worth reminiscing.
We used to live in Faron where mountains roll and the trees growl. A small town beside the sea that I had once called home.
I love our garden and how granmama tends them and make flowers bloom all year round.
She always told me stories before tucking me in my bed.
Her stories!--- Granmama said something about stories!
Now I remembered everything.
It is a story of a prophecy that when good and love unites, a creature none like the others would be born.
A creature that is not built for destruction.
A creature that can't be blinded by temptation.
A creature of dignity and determination.
A creature free from all evil and corruption.
A deer.
A Fire Deer.
The day will come when the chosen one will defeat the Fire Lord and end his reign.
And that would be an eighteen year old girl who doesn't even know how to use a sword much more a bow.

I gingerly picked up the map that granmama left for me and looked at it ruefully.
The map itself must have been a thousand years old.
I have to hold it with much care.
Slowly, I unfolded it.
Drawings of lands, mountains, caves and trees came to life.
They have been sketched with much details and precision.
I sighed as I saw Sagabath and the gates of Sorien were almost at the opposite ends.
But the thought of finally be able to see my father, lit a light of hope inside me.
All might not yet be lost.
I took a deep breathe.
I gathered myself up and took the first step of the trail that would lead to my father.
Equipped with only the map and my determination,  a smile curved itself up on my face. 
I looked ahead.
Today is a very fine day.
Birds chirped around me.
Trees rustled before me.
They know who I am.

For I was the one,

I am the one, and 

I will be the one.

( to be continued )
Stranger Passing-By                                   SP-B/03/19/12

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Time Out Lunch Break

Recess! My favorite Subject!!! HAHA. LOL.
To tell you the truth, right now, I'm holding my lunch on my left hand and typing with my right hand and munching all at the same time. Haha.
Hope you've been enjoying my story so far. There's still more chapters to come.
If I have time, I'll upload a little sketch that I have made on the map of Hibas and the Fire Deer.
I think I'm going to rest for awhile...
All the writing makes my head hurt... hehehe.
Every time I write, I feel so detached from the world...
It's the same feeling I get whenever I'm reading a novel or whatever it is that caught my heart.

There have been two people in my life that gave me a big impression on writing.
The first is a professor in English... I can't remember his name or the level of English that he is teaching, but what I do remember is what he told us. He said: " Never write a book if you're an amateur. It will come out all wrong and it would send goosebumps to the readers... ". (well that's very encouraging)
The second person is a professor in Rizal... Damn! I can't remember her name either (my weak point), but she made us write a story of ourselves, our history, our dreams and goals and our poems. Afterwards, the papers were returned to us and I almost got a perfect score with her comment on the header that states that I am a writer.
The latter part gave me an impact and somewhat awaken my writer side... if there's a side like that...
Well, it influenced me to write more.

Haha. That's all folks.
Chow! (as in literally... Chow Time!!! ahaha)

A piece of my life.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                                     SP-B/03/15/12

A Story in Progress (Chapter 2)

Chapter 2

"Secrets can never be kept forever..."

The sun shines brightly, blinding my eyes.
I woke up.
I feel dizzy but fortunately, the pain in my head had already subsided.
I shielded the sun from my face.
With great effort, I tried to focus. But everything just doesn't make much sense.
Sitting up, I realized I was lying on a meadow.
This place seems familiar but I don't know where.
Grass tickles my legs as I tried to stand up.
The chirping of birds and fragrance of flowers filled the air.
The sky is in its perfect hue. Everything seems so quiet and serene.
Is this what heaven looks and feels like?
I snapped out of my thoughts as my attention was drawn to someone coming.
I can make some of its outline now.
It's a little frail old woman... but...
wait... could it be? Can it be possible?
All of my heart's longing have been granted as I ran towards her, arms stretched.
Tears blurred my vision.
I hugged her with all my might and have no single intention of letting her go.
My grandma, my dearest grandmother.
The scent of her hair always have a hint of peaches and I always love how she would pat me in the back and assure me that everything will be alright.
I still can't believe any of these is really happening as we settle down under the shade of what seemed to be like a hundred year old oak tree. I love how its branches, so big and thick, are destined to never ending reach for the sky.
As I watched my grandma, how her glasses reflects the shining sun, she spoke with kindness and much wisdom.
But what she was about to say will change my destiny forever.
" My dear fawn... Do you remember this place? " she asked to my surprise.
" I... I... think? "
" You've been here. We once came here when you were still very small. "
" You mean with papa and mama? " I asked with delight.
" Yes. This place is called Sagabath. The place where all memories lie. The center of all tranquility. "
I gave out a big sigh. Finally, after for so long. I feel safe. I feel belong. I feel at ease.
" It's time for you to know, " she suddenly said without any expressions.
Dumb struck, I just looked at her.
" We belong to the clan of the Fire Demon, "
" The land of Hibas where everything burns in eternity." she continued.
" Granmama, (as I often call her) what are you talking about? We live in Faron, remember? " I asked hysterically.
I feel like the table is about to turn and everything on it is about to fall.
" My dear fawn, I know this is going to be hard for you, but this is the land where you were born. The human world was only our retreat to avoid our enemies. Also... your father is still alive. "
Completely caught off-guard, I asked her how.
" I know I told you he is already dead but that was for your own protection, " she sombered.
" To protect me from whom? "
" From the Fire Lord and his malgators... "
" W-Who are they and w-what do they want from me? " I stuttered. My stomach tightened into a knot.
" The Fire lord is the ruler of all of Hibas. He is the father of our clan. He fears you for you are the fruit of all goodness and pure love. You are the Fire Deer. The one destined to fight havoc and let peace rule itself once more. Remember my stories. " she spoke with pride and fear.
Stories? My brain still can't process all of these information when she continued.
" You have to journey to find your father locked in the gates of Sorien. Together, you and him will unleash the light and let freedom rule. But beware of the Malgators for they are Fire Wolves in different forms, out to search for you. " she warned.
" But how did we get to Faron? " I asked naively.
" Your papa, mama and I escaped from there. You were just an infant then. The Fire Lord was very angry when he found out. He send the malgators on our trail. We managed to fight them off but your mama was badly hurt and your papa was captured as he defends us and let us escape through the Etched-on-Sand. Your mama and I found a safe place to stay for the night. Afterwards, she transferred all her lights, Akari, into this ring (she pointed to the one I'm wearing) and gave her final breathe to protect you. " she sobbed as she spoke.
I looked at my ring, a simple silver ring with what seems like butterflies, hearts and wind etched on it.
I remembered how it glowed, shimmered and heated while I was being attacked by the malgators.
" Their love was forbidden. Only the Fire Lord have the power to choose who is fit for one another. Nevertheless, they always found way. Love always find way. " Questions are still swirling around my head and I can't seem to find the right words to say when granmama spoke once more.
" You must protect your ring, your Akari, your light, at all times. Practice and control your powers. "
Suddenly, a bright white light envelopes us completely. As I squinted and tried to focus, I saw my grandmother drifting away. She radiates with so much light that it's hard to look at her face.
" But granmama... " I shouted.
" How do I find papa! " I stumbled on my feet and run after her.
" You will find him with your heart. Trust in yourself. And May all the stars of Akari shines brightly and protect you. " Her voice is like a distant rolling wind.
With that, the white light vanished and everything went back to its normal pace.
I walked back and sat under the broad oak tree and found a map where granmama was once sitted.

(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                                                                                          SP-B/03/15/12

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Story in Progress (Chapter 1)

Note: This is a little something that I've been working on since I decided to stop spinning them in my head and start putting them down in words. Hope you'll enjoy though I'm still pretty amateur on this.

Fire Deer

A Chronicle of Dreams

Vivid dreams sewn together,
Awaken life driven to remember,
Eves and nights creating wonders.

Chapter 1

"Everything is not always what it seems..."

Sometimes I feel like as if I don't belong in this world.
Like thorns on trees or horns on bees.
Well, it's just how I felt anyway.
But today is definitely not an exception to that burning sensation inside me.

Breathe... pause.
They seem to have gone away.
Stay focused...
My heart is already pounding right in my ear.
I can feel all my senses heightened right in front of me.
Alert and Panic-stricken.
I'm not used to this. I don't usually get into trouble, but now,
sweat drip from every pore of my body.
I don't have time anymore. What do they want!
Black hooded persons. 5 of them. Chasing after me like a pack of accursed bloodhounds.
My muscles are all sore from running. I feel weak and hopeless.
But no matter where I run, no matter where I hide,
they'll always be there to find me.
Running blindly now, my strength fading on me.
I stumbled into an alley.
Like a mouse scurrying to escape, I desperately crawl on the wall.
But everything is futile. I feel lonely and trap.
Black hooded men came into view, sealing the only way out.
I cried for help. My voice hoarse and cracked.
The day is still too early. Morning mists and darkness still devoured everything in sight.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Tears stream down my face.
How I wish I'm safely tucked, back in my old bed.
How I miss the sweet smell of orchids that greeted me each day.
How I love the scent of fresh woods and the cinnamon baking that hang about... if only.
If only I don't need to move into this stupid place.
If only rules and laws aren't so stupidly made.
If only things are back to where they always have, and 
if only grandma didn't have to go and leave me all by myself.
Hot flushes of tears roll down from my eyes as I think of my grandmother.
My sole family and friend.
My mentor who guided me each step of my way since my parents died.
Her face, her kisses and her warmth flashes inside my head.
I feel queasy. What more do they want! I have already loss everything that is important to me.
What else can they take away from me!
I felt my anger rising, like a spark of fire ignited and quickly spreading all over my being.
My ring that have always been with me is no longer cold.
It now burns through my finger, glowing red hot and shimmering like a prism in broad daylight.
My head hurts like crazy. I feel like millions of needles are being driven to it.
Everything seems to dance and melt together. What's happening to me?!
I wanted to shout but everything exploded in lights.
Things became fuzzy but I remembered running---charging to be exact with something controlling my mind and body.
I feel like my whole body is bursting in flames.
The last thing I remembered are flashes of red flying all over the alley.

Then Blackness.


(to be continued)
Stranger Passing-By                                                                                               SP-B/03/14/12

My Insatiable Hunger

My insatiable appetite for food,
My insatiable desire to do good.
My insatiable knowledge to know more,
My insatiable urges to jump and soar.

My insatiable search to find self,
My insatiable wonder beyond shelf.
My insatiable soul to dream and live,
My insatiable thirst to praise the Lord, day and eve.

A little something that I've thought of,
While eating peanut butter spread on bread of loaf.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                                SP-B/03/14/12

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wisdom's Coming

Hippocrates: sophronisteres
Greek: sophron
Rome: dentes sapientiae
Arabic: Ders-al-a'qel
Dutch: verstandskies
Spanish: muelo de juicio
English: wisdom teeth

Whatever you want to call them. I'm still terribly queasy about this. But I have to admit,I felt a little proud of myself when I felt it coming.

It has been around two days from now since my upper right third molar decided that it's time to attack and bombard my poor gums. Equipped with only his root and crown, it is now pushing his way up bit by bit. I'm feeling a mixture of pride and fright as I scan the net and read more of this wisdom teeth. Ever since I was a child, I have already known about this third molar. But never have my child mind ever answered why this set of particular teeth are called wisdom teeth. Well, I guessed this is my answer.

They are called wisdom teeth because of the time they appear. Usually in the late teens or early twenties (ages 16-25 years old). This would have been the time when people are supposed to gain more wisdom in life. Eventually, there are also theories of evolution about wisdom teeth that have been formed since ancient times. It was said that tooth loss was common in early times because of rot or trauma. When people enter their early twenties, they had already lost a tooth or two. The wisdom teeth then, would help make up for the empty spaces. There's another theory stating that in the past, human jaw was significantly larger. So there was enough room for the wisdom teeth to grow in. As our diet shifted, our jaws shrank, but wisdom teeth continued to form. (wiseGEEK,

All I'm doing now is to hope and pray that my little wisdom tooth won't give me any problems and by that I mean painless and gum-line-mess-up-less.

A day in my life.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                      SP-B/03/13/12

Talk about Rude!

Some people are nice, some people are just there, some are alright to be with and some are just plain rude.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not being judgmental, alright maybe just a little but the point is I don't get easily annoyed with other people especially if they are older than me.
Alright, getting to the point now.

It all happened right after our practice last Sunday afternoon. I was returning things back and putting them inside the small and narrow storage room, when there's this guy, lets just name him Bone-head; so I was about to get out of that room when Bone-head was so ever lazily kicking the case of notes in, maybe hoping that it'll miraculously roll and tuck itself in!? That's when he saw me and so humbly shouted and commanded me like I'm his servant or what, to put that case in its proper place. Now, I'm not exaggerating... he really did shouted at me, though not in full volume. If he did, I swear I'll punch him right in his face.
There's that tone in his voice and the way he said it that set fire inside me. I don't know how to explain it, but he'd been a nuisance, a jerk and had already annoyed me several times.
So much for being a gentleman.

I am a reflection of how you treat me,
If you treat me nice, I'm nice.
If you treat me bad, I'm bad.

 A day in my life.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                                     SP-B/03/13/12

Monday, March 12, 2012

A first in Everything

Finally settling down and sitting here, thinking of what to write.
Funny how everything would just disappear as you're about to type. Introductions, for me; are always the hardest. Though I always find joy in composing one. They are limitless and without rules. Also they highlight and capture your readers and can lead you smoothly all the way down. That's the real challenge! Alright! Now, before I go astray with my "intro definitions", you probably have already guessed that this is my very first blog. So, please do bear with me as I continue to explore and play with my words...

Today is just another day for me to practice my curiosity... I get to observe different people, how they dress, how they act, guess what they are thinking and how they carry themselves around. Sounds like a snoop? Well, not exactly... i don't get to pry in their business, if that's what you're thinking. lol. Anyway, observing people had been my subconscious habit. Since I get to be with myself most of the time, I figured going out wouldn't be such a bad idea. Though spending alone time inside the house with myself is always my first choice... anyway. So, there I was this afternoon; minding not my own business, when I noticed someone in the middle of the pool and just standing there. At first, i didn't take notice of him but then again it's in the middle of the day and no one else is in that pool but him. He was about in his late 50s with bald head and a 60 plus inch waist line with his back as bald as his head. So him just standing there and me watching and wondering why in the world would anyone just stand in a pool when he suddenly jerked and moved like an old robot that had sprung back to life. To my surprise, I figured he just had himself a good long nap.

A recollection of my day.

Stranger Passing-By                                                                                                                     SP-B/03/12/12