THUMP... THUMP... THUmp...THump...thump... goes my feet as I jogged and closed to a halt. There in the middle of a wet pavement ground sat a snail hardly noticeable to anyone. I squatted and looked at it curiously. I felt a little silly as I knelt there and almost anticipated for someone to pass by. I waited but not a single soul showed up. Finally, I decided to relocate the slug to a safer place. Now, how does one exactly do it? As I was thinking on how to accomplish the task at hand, I tried a direct approach. I lifted it's shell but the snail just curled deeper into it. Uhm... wrong move. Ok, Plan B. I looked around and I found a plant with long broad leaves. Hmm... I thought that this might work. I got one and put it close to the snail. After a while, the snail gingerly begun to move slowly again. I waited and as the snail's upper body was almost covering the leaf, I tapped the shell again and it curled back as expected. I got hold of the bottom of the leaf and with it, I pulled the snail up and put him safely on a garden bed. Mission accomplished! It was just a sweet little experience and though it happened days ago, last Monday actually, I still can't get it off my head. It had been ages since I saw a snail again this up close and it had refreshed my memories. Wonderful things, so small and almost insignificant, could easily go unnoticed but still a gift nonetheless.
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Looking at all things bright and beautiful.
Stranger Passing-By
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