Remedy One:
This worked a little for me. First, lie down and rest your head on a pile of blanket and pillow. Carefully move and roll your head in every direction. Make sure to stop on the most painful spot and count slowly from one to eight and back. Roll slowly and keep on rolling until your head becomes like an well-oiled rolling machine. I know, I know, every roll will hurt. But no pain, no gain! One more thing, while rolling, put your weight to it. Don't half-carry half-roll your head.
Remedy Two:
Now in a standing or sitting position, try rotating your head with the help of your hands to its limits. This is also painful but the strained muscles need to be relaxed. Rotate it right and left, up and down with each time counting slowly from one to eight and back. The more it hurts, the more you have to do it. This worked a lot for me.
Remedy Three:
I believe that prevention is better than cure. So change that mattress and pillows already. If it had already turned hard and uncomfortable, it only means that it's time for a new one. Or if you're a little short on money and you are not used to pillows, try sleeping with your very own homemade "Towel Roll".
"With using no pillow or using a very flat pillow, you are not getting
the proper support or C Curve that you need in the cervical spine. When
you roll on your side, your head and neck is going to be cranked to the
side, which can cause neck pain and muscle stiffness. Not to have any
support is an unnatural position for your neck, and can lead to bad neck
posture. So, using no pillow is not recommended."
A wrong pillow can absolutely cause a stiff neck. The muscles in your neck and upper
back can tighten up and spasm. Choosing the size of your pillow must be based on
your height and weight. (Nav Gill (2003). The Neck Pain Relief Shop. A Division of Arc 4 Life.
Retrieved from Watch this!
Remedy Four:
If all fails, a good old karate chopping massage might be just what you need. That poor muscle needs to be tenderized and loosened up. An ointment may also be the thing to help relieve the torture. A cool menthol salve could soothe the pain. This is the absolute cure for me. I had a total of three (3) painful, teeth-gritting, 10-15 minutes karate chopping massage all in all, before I am totally cured. My mom's the best physician ever!
Remedy Five:
Improper posture and stressful lifestyle might also contribute to having a stiff neck. Try this exercise:
Bring Your Chin to Your Chest Slowly and Hold for 10-15 seconds |
Bring your right ear to your right shoulder; Hold for 10-15 seconds. |
Turn Your Head Right and Left; Hold for 10-15 seconds. |

This neck exercises will strengthen the muscles that allow your head to flex forward, bend back, laterally flexion and rotate.
Palmer, Roy (2005-2012). How To Treat Your Stiff Neck. Retrieved from
Nav Gill (2003). The Neck Pain Relief Shop. A Division of Arc 4 Life. Retrieved from
Happy to have my old neck back! ^_^
Stranger Passing-By
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