Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sweet Day: A Sweet Recipe


<3 --- Sweet Sweet Sweets --- <3

~> Warm up taste buds to 37 degrees Celsius

* Ingredients:

- (1) Strawberry  sundae
- (1) Bowl of chocolate oatmeal
- (1) Slice of watermelon
- (1) Glass of coke
- (1) Cob of corn
- (1) Piece of banana
- (1) Big appetite
* Procedure:
~ Eat Everything!!!

* How to end a day's work:

~ Serve with music of choice plus sweet cool zephyr equals a perfect way for instant revival. ^_^

Happy Eating! Chow!

My choice of Food.

Stranger Passing-By

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA I was actually expecting something!! hahaha kaya pala it got really weird when the ingredients went watermelon down to banana hahaha! =))
