As tragic and as uncomfortable as it may sound, but a bipolar patient
really made my day today. His name is Reynaldo Pastor Benedicto. At
first he really looked like a normal person. I was assigned at the
extraction area, early this morning. When I called upon his name, he
stood up and walked towards me repeating his own name a couple times. I
thought it was just for mere confirmation and I quickly set that thought aside. While I was preparing my instruments, he asked if I'm a doctor.
I looked at him and smiled. I get that a lot from this field of work.
Have almost wished that I really am. I said no and told him that I'm
just a Medical Technologist. He smiled and said that he's glad to have me
to be the one to get his blood. I just smiled and looked at him
carefully this time. He was wearing a cap with his head down most of the
time but when I saw his face, it was kind, nice and wide with his
smile. I was thinking how he could have ever been diagnosed as someone with bipolar. He kept talking and the things he said rang the biggest bell of truth. He talked about how a person can have a good and a bad side. I jokingly said he looked really nice and friendly and all that. He told me how he would sometimes be really bad. I nodded in silent agreement. But then he said about how the Lord have given each and every one of us with purity and goodness. I almost cried when he said that, because I've been in my critical condition again these past few days.This is where I am the saddest, the loneliness, the weirdest and the craziest with the lowest self esteem. Sounds like I, myself, needs a consultation. LOL. Just let me tell you one thing, when you work in a place with people not that nice, either you'll end up looking for a new job or you'll just swallow everything up and pretend nothing is wrong.
Still living and waiting for the Lord.
Stranger Passing-By
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
50 Random Questions
50 Random Questions
- Where were you 3 hours ago?- In Prison... Haha... At work :)
- Who are you in love with?- Falling in love with people I've always loved.
- Have you ever eaten a crayon?- Not that I can remember?! but I did remember squishing some under my shoe when I was still in Kindergarten... hehehe naughty, naughty me
- Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?- A supposed to be pencil case that my sister turned into a wire, cables and charger holder.
- When is the last time you went to the mall?- Just yesterday, out of loneliness...
- Are you wearing socks right now?- No
- Does your family have a car worth over $2,000?- Next question please...
- When was the last time you drove out of town?- Still can't drive myself... :(
- Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?- Not really
- Are you hot?- I'm just the right 37 degree Celsius gal there is.
- What was the last thing you had to drink?-Fresh cool water.
- What are you wearing right now?- Shirt and my dearest pajamas ^_^
- Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?- I don't have a car.
- Last food that you ate?- The truth?... well... Ensaymada + Pancit + chopsuey + meatballs. Hehe
- Where were you last week at this time?- At home
- Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?- Nope!
- When is the last time you ran?- Every single day of my life...
- What's the last sporting event you watched?- Can't remember :P
- What is your favorite animal?- Dogs and cats
- Your dream vacation?-Somewhere quiet by the sea with a lot of places to explore.
- Last person's house you were in?- A colleague's home.
- Worst injury you've ever had? - A deep gash on my right leg while falling down the stair.
- Have you been in love?- Does puppy love count?
- Do you miss anyone right now?- Very much!
- Last play you saw?- Ninoy's theatrical play at Aliw theater.
- What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?- O.o Wish I have one...
- What are your plans for tonight?- Watch some horror movies
- Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?- Don't have a MySpace account.
- Next trip you are going to take?- To work :((
- Ever go to camp?- Yup! A retreat at Caliraya, Laguna
- Were you an honor roll student in school?- Back in my high school days :)
- What do you want to know about the future?- What my life would turn out to be ^_^
- Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?- Now? nah...
- Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?- Not really.
- Where is your best friend?- Definitely at home.
- How is your best friend?- Still as insane as can be.
- Do you have a tan?- Hmm... a little?
- What are you listening to right now?- The near shouting conversation of my mother and my father.
- Do you collect anything?- Cards!!! Greeting cards and anything given to me with letters and notes.
- Who is the biggest gossiper you know?- My arch enemy.
- Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?- Never really.
- Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?- Er... Yeah...???
- What does your last text message say?- A text message about an appointment with a patient.
- Do you like hot sauce?- Yes, please!
- Last time you took a shower?- This morning.
- Do you need to do laundry?- Sometimes
- What is your heritage?- Chinese.
- Are you someone's best friend?- Yesh
- Are you rich?- I hope I am.
- What were you doing at 12AM last night?- Sleeping and dreaming of zombie apocalypse!
Tag yourself please ^_^
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wish Upon An All-Star
My first Converse All Star! Atlas! after years of dreaming, it finally came true! The right size, the right color, the right style and just the right price! I'm thinking I hit a jackpot there. It's very comfy though a little heavy to wear but the good thing is I can actually run with these shoes! I really like shoes that you can walk, run, jump and kick with and not worry of destroying them... or your feet. Haha ^_^ This is what I call shopping turned hunting. My Safari expedition started when my 3-year and more Advan suffered some cracks on his sole. It is still in somewhat good condition but I decided to buy a new one. I bought my Low Oxford Stars at the Goodwear Shoe store, Avenida and this beaut only costs Php 350.00! They said this pair is on sale because they run out of sizes. The signs caught my eye and the saleslady caught my money. Haha kidding :) Everything in there was on sale but the catch is once you have purchased an item, you can't return it. This is really an original though it didn't come with the box and everything but I checked it's genuineness and am pretty satisfied with it. Hope it'll last me a lifetime. ^_^
How to spot a fake Converse? Watch this ^_^ Courtesy of youtube: (Uploaded by SuperAllison30 on Mar 9, 2011)
Just remember to always watch your purse when you're walking these streets!
Stranger Passing-By
How to spot a fake Converse? Watch this ^_^ Courtesy of youtube: (Uploaded by SuperAllison30 on Mar 9, 2011)
Just remember to always watch your purse when you're walking these streets!
Stranger Passing-By
A Fishy Tale
Hello once again! Just saw this quaint little recipe while watching a cooking show called Hao chr," 好吃" at the Asian Food Channel (afc). This really turned my seafood taste around and I know you'll love it too because these fishes have never been this flavorful and not to mention down-to-earth oriental. So, here are the easy steps to win the heart of a true fish. <3 p="">
Cooking 104: A Fishy Tale
Any kind of medium-sized fish as long as it is FRESH! (ex: tuna, milkfish!, salmon, milkfish!!, garoupa, kingfish, milkfish!!! etc.) haha ^_^
Leek / Spring onion
Black beans &
Chicken essence (our secret ingredient for today) - - -
Can be bought in any Chinese drugstore and for me, it tastes incredibly bad! Haha. It is actually a stew taken after boiling a whole chicken. It has many health benefits and after adding this to our recipe, it became incredibly and shockingly good! Must try this, I tell you.
Can be bought in any Chinese drugstore and for me, it tastes incredibly bad! Haha. It is actually a stew taken after boiling a whole chicken. It has many health benefits and after adding this to our recipe, it became incredibly and shockingly good! Must try this, I tell you.
Cook it:
Saute ginger, onion, garlic and black beans in a very hot pan until golden brown.
Add in washed and thoroughly cleaned fresh fish and stir it a little. Put in a little amount of water and cover pan.
Wait for 2 minutes and turn the fish the other side. Repeat until the fish is fully cooked. Gradually add in water and bring them to boil.
Add in leek, soy sauce, sugar and salt to taste.
Cover pan for 5-10 minutes and serve!
It will look a little like this.
Stranger Passing-By
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Bottled Air
How long would it be till we start inhaling air from tubes and tanks? And how long would it take for the CO2s and the NO2s to completely dominate the pure O2s? Before we know it, we might be buying bottled airs! Imagine that?! Stores hanging signs that read: "Air for Sale". How much would that cost? 1000? 2000? or 3000? just for a bottle? And what kind of unit should we use? Would it also be like psi? bars? or CFM? We certainly cannot use liters or ounce now, can we? How much time is still left for the air to remain breathable? We can't know for sure. Little by little, what once was a God-given blessing is now turning into something profitable for businesses. What would it be like years from now. Would everything literally have it's price? Every breathe we take might cost us our life's savings, may it be money or health.
I really do pray and hope that one day people would all unite and save our Earth. May it start from small deeds like using unleaded gasoline and changing car oils more frequently to bigger deeds like joining a cleanup of soot pollution. If we could all contribute in our own ways, I strongly believe that we could all live in a more healthier and less hazardous place. Planting a tree could go a long way.
Stranger Passing-By
Friday, October 19, 2012
One Glimpse
Many stories can be told each day even as we simply walk down the street. A vendor's life, the stare of a woman standing by the road, a child's playful innocence and even an old man's guarded eyes, each having their own tales to tell. Right now, I'm sitting at the front seat of a jeepney car, writing this. Holding a pen on my right and a little notepad on my left, the driver had already glanced once or twice at me. Guess I might have been a little peculiar to look at... or oh Yeah! a fair fare price of 11 might be what he was looking for at me. Touche! But what really made me bought my pen and paper out was a little something I saw earlier. Sometimes when I look, I just simply stare; not really seeing what I saw. But as I look out of the doorless pane beside me, I happened to see a little girl staring intently at what I believed are Yemas (a sweet custard candy made with egg yolks. One of the popular delicacies in the Philippines) set before a kariton (pushcart) where a vendor keeps his watchful eyes. I saw how the little girl smiles and fixes her little beady eyes at the sweets with pure joy. Beside her stood a tall, young man pointing at the goods and talking to the vendor. Their muted conversations, I cannot hear for I was too far away. My gaze were still fixed to the little girl when the man bought her one of those delicately wrapped in shiny, orange-cellophane, yemas. It was such a wonderful picture of a loving father and a lovely daughter. My eyes were now focused on the father and saw how warmly he had smiled. I was still thinking about that smile when he waved his hand and the little girl scampered away happily, still clutching the yema around her two hands. It took me a while to realize that the man was a total stranger to the child just as I was with the jeepney driver beside me, blasting his horns, loudly. A part of me was left there with the scene. It was so beautiful and so wonderful that it had somewhat completed my day. At least, goodness can still be seen these days. My destination is arriving soon. I must get myself ready to unload. The infamous words of "Para Po" are already starting to form in my mind when my mouth said: "Sa tabi nalang po, para..." Soon, I won't need to deal with the jerkiness of the vehicle and soon I would be writing at ease and with a peace of mind. No more pakielamera people looking behind my shoulder. Oh well...
So many people you see each day. So many faces you meet each day. Some you could still see again, but some you could never see again. Only fate could tell and only time could have it's last words. Love and thank God each time you wake with the rising sun and for each sleep you rest with the shining moon. This is all that I can say as I now retire to my house, eager to greet people who had made it a home.
Treasuring this day.
Stranger Passing-By
Monday, October 01, 2012
The Melody Man
A song, a strum, a graceful bow,
happy or sad, the melody man woe.
Singing, leaping, dancing waltz,
he did it all for the crowd he owe.
A harp, a flute or a guitar he play,
each note, each tune, he struck with gay.
Making people spin and sway,
forgetting all of their dismay.
His life he own as long as the curtain's up,
rattling tunes for hearty clap.
Big smiles, big cheers, big applaud on top,
brought tears for every coin that had dropped.
But when the lights had died and the floor started creaking,
there stood on the stage, a lone old man singing.
Telling the tales of a melody man dancing,
coming from a place where people once remembered laughing.
A bow, a gesture, a tip of the hat,
every show I know will have its last.
Time would come again to past,
covering the artist with memory and dust.
But when the curtains are drawn again,
the spotlight will shine brighter than flame.
This time people would all proclaim,
No joy nor happiness had escaped his reign.
For the melody man would keep sorrow in bay,
By singing the songs of the early jays.
Because music is the world he lives each day,
and music are the words he would say.
The Melody Man.
Stranger Passing-By
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
中秋节: The Mid-Autumn Festival 2012
It's this time of the year again! A shake, a dice, a roll... it's another Mid-Autumn Festival. One of my favorite Chinese celebrations. White lotuses, plain, mixed nuts; with, without, and or with many salted egg yolks, red beans, sweet beans and the rare Jujube (I have only tried this sweet treat once)! Choose your type of mooncake now!
The Mooncake festival is one of my most awaited holiday in the Chinese calendar. It is celebrated every 15th day of the eight lunar month. Legends, stories, traditions and culture all mixed into one excitement that even Filipino people would not dare to miss. It is really amazing how the two different cultures here in the Philippines could meet up so well. My Mooncake festival adventure officially started last September 15, 2012 at The Royale Sharkfin Seafood Restaurant, located at the Pacific Center, Quintin Paredes, Binondo, Manila. It was also my payday and I'm feeling quite happy and lucky. We attended Kim Lan's (an association where my dad was once a member in once upon a time) Mid-Autumn festival party that evening and gathered and dined together. Dice games are supposed to be a traditional game played every Mooncake festival but some simplified it into raffle draws. Dice games played in this particular celebration is a fun, super awesome, lots of prizes, very enjoyable and count-everything-on-your-luck game! Of course, every game has its own rules and regulations and so are the prizes!!! Prizes can range from groceries, to hopias (好饼, which literally means "good pastries") and to money (if you don't have that much time to prepare the prizes)! The hopias are really a very delightful treat. I've only played once with hopias as the prizes. They can have sizes ranging from small to big and to really REALLY BIG! AS IN! Hahahaha. Really! No kidding! Well, to see is to believe.
Okay, this would be how the Mooncake Dice game will go in case you want to play it at home with your family... ;)
Materials needed:
-A set of dice (6 die all in all)
-One big and deep ceramic bowl
-32 small prizes (6th prize)
-16 a little bigger prizes (5th prize)
-8 a little more bigger prizes (4th prize)
-4 big prizes (3rd prize)
-2 bigger prizes (2nd prize)
-1 very big prize (1st prize)
-And lastly, a whole big bunch of not-so-normal banana family, zombie-loving friends and far-off planet relatives... yes, that includes you :3
Rules to abide:
Ta-daaa... Sorry, I didn't do this quaint little thing. I just searched it on Google and found this beauty, so credit goes to whoever did the chart below. :)
Okay! Let's start from the highest then going down. So, here's what it is about:
I. Zhuangyuan~ The highest place that you can get in this game.This is categorized into six. Each category has its own score. So this means that the one with the highest Zhuongyuan will win the game.
a. Zhuangyuan with Gold Flower~ This can be achieved exactly as shown on the first illustration. 4 fours and 2 ones. Really hard to get this, I'm telling you. This will be the highest among all the Zhuangyuans. Good Luck! You're gonna need all of it. :D
b. Hongliubo~ All your dice are fours! Your bowl is as red as it can be. ;)
c. Yaodianliubo~ Six red dots in one throw! Great shot!
d. Heiliubo~ Any 6 same dice, except the four and the one. Going black!
e. Wuhong~ Throw in a 5 fours and this lucky place will be yours.
f. Wuzi~ This time any 5 same dice and again except the fours.
II. Sihong~ Literally means 4 red fours. Easy to win so grab them while the supply (prizes) lasts.
III. Duitang~ STRIKE! A one, a two, a three, a four, a five and a six! Good one! Aim next for the turkey!
IV. Sanhong~ Roll in 3 fours and bring home the bacon.
V. Sijin~ Heads up! You're almost there. A sijin only needs 4 of the same dice and once again except the fours.
VI. Erju~ The playful throw. This only needs 2 of the fours.
VII. Yixiu~ One four for a one happy spirit. Better something than nothing. :D
Things to keep in mind:
- Play fair.
- Play nice.
- Don't let your dice bounce out of your bowl. Seriously, this will be considered void.
- Wear red.
- Keep shouting.
- Meditate.
- Talk to your dice.
- Control them with your mind.
- Don't breathe.
- Go crazy.
- Be supportive.
- Punch the one before you.
- Roll your dice and have some fun. :D
Haha. Hope you can play this and enjoy the wonderful Mooncake Festival. Happy playing!
Oh! By the way, I won first prize in the raffle draw. Hehe. Told you I was feeling lucky. :D Thank you Lord!
Stranger Passing-By
The Mooncake festival is one of my most awaited holiday in the Chinese calendar. It is celebrated every 15th day of the eight lunar month. Legends, stories, traditions and culture all mixed into one excitement that even Filipino people would not dare to miss. It is really amazing how the two different cultures here in the Philippines could meet up so well. My Mooncake festival adventure officially started last September 15, 2012 at The Royale Sharkfin Seafood Restaurant, located at the Pacific Center, Quintin Paredes, Binondo, Manila. It was also my payday and I'm feeling quite happy and lucky. We attended Kim Lan's (an association where my dad was once a member in once upon a time) Mid-Autumn festival party that evening and gathered and dined together. Dice games are supposed to be a traditional game played every Mooncake festival but some simplified it into raffle draws. Dice games played in this particular celebration is a fun, super awesome, lots of prizes, very enjoyable and count-everything-on-your-luck game! Of course, every game has its own rules and regulations and so are the prizes!!! Prizes can range from groceries, to hopias (好饼, which literally means "good pastries") and to money (if you don't have that much time to prepare the prizes)! The hopias are really a very delightful treat. I've only played once with hopias as the prizes. They can have sizes ranging from small to big and to really REALLY BIG! AS IN! Hahahaha. Really! No kidding! Well, to see is to believe.
Okay, this would be how the Mooncake Dice game will go in case you want to play it at home with your family... ;)
-A set of dice (6 die all in all)
-One big and deep ceramic bowl
-32 small prizes (6th prize)
-16 a little bigger prizes (5th prize)
-8 a little more bigger prizes (4th prize)
-4 big prizes (3rd prize)
-2 bigger prizes (2nd prize)
-1 very big prize (1st prize)
-And lastly, a whole big bunch of not-so-normal banana family, zombie-loving friends and far-off planet relatives... yes, that includes you :3
Rules to abide:
Ta-daaa... Sorry, I didn't do this quaint little thing. I just searched it on Google and found this beauty, so credit goes to whoever did the chart below. :)
Okay! Let's start from the highest then going down. So, here's what it is about:
I. Zhuangyuan~ The highest place that you can get in this game.This is categorized into six. Each category has its own score. So this means that the one with the highest Zhuongyuan will win the game.
a. Zhuangyuan with Gold Flower~ This can be achieved exactly as shown on the first illustration. 4 fours and 2 ones. Really hard to get this, I'm telling you. This will be the highest among all the Zhuangyuans. Good Luck! You're gonna need all of it. :D
b. Hongliubo~ All your dice are fours! Your bowl is as red as it can be. ;)
c. Yaodianliubo~ Six red dots in one throw! Great shot!
d. Heiliubo~ Any 6 same dice, except the four and the one. Going black!
e. Wuhong~ Throw in a 5 fours and this lucky place will be yours.
f. Wuzi~ This time any 5 same dice and again except the fours.
II. Sihong~ Literally means 4 red fours. Easy to win so grab them while the supply (prizes) lasts.
III. Duitang~ STRIKE! A one, a two, a three, a four, a five and a six! Good one! Aim next for the turkey!
IV. Sanhong~ Roll in 3 fours and bring home the bacon.
V. Sijin~ Heads up! You're almost there. A sijin only needs 4 of the same dice and once again except the fours.
VI. Erju~ The playful throw. This only needs 2 of the fours.
VII. Yixiu~ One four for a one happy spirit. Better something than nothing. :D
Things to keep in mind:
- Play fair.
- Play nice.
- Don't let your dice bounce out of your bowl. Seriously, this will be considered void.
- Wear red.
- Keep shouting.
- Meditate.
- Talk to your dice.
- Control them with your mind.
- Don't breathe.
- Go crazy.
- Be supportive.
- Punch the one before you.
- Roll your dice and have some fun. :D
Haha. Hope you can play this and enjoy the wonderful Mooncake Festival. Happy playing!
Oh! By the way, I won first prize in the raffle draw. Hehe. Told you I was feeling lucky. :D Thank you Lord!
Stranger Passing-By
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Damn Stiff Neck
Shooting pain runs through the left side of my neck this whole day. So irritating and yet so painful but thankfully limiting. The cause? Most probably the sleep-like-a-log position I practiced last night... or maybe the don't-move-your-head exercise I did the other day, either way, I got greeted by this stiff neck present early today. Haha. Alright then, time for some good old fashioned improvised remedies!
Remedy One:
This worked a little for me. First, lie down and rest your head on a pile of blanket and pillow. Carefully move and roll your head in every direction. Make sure to stop on the most painful spot and count slowly from one to eight and back. Roll slowly and keep on rolling until your head becomes like an well-oiled rolling machine. I know, I know, every roll will hurt. But no pain, no gain! One more thing, while rolling, put your weight to it. Don't half-carry half-roll your head.
Remedy Two:
Now in a standing or sitting position, try rotating your head with the help of your hands to its limits. This is also painful but the strained muscles need to be relaxed. Rotate it right and left, up and down with each time counting slowly from one to eight and back. The more it hurts, the more you have to do it. This worked a lot for me.
Remedy Three:
I believe that prevention is better than cure. So change that mattress and pillows already. If it had already turned hard and uncomfortable, it only means that it's time for a new one. Or if you're a little short on money and you are not used to pillows, try sleeping with your very own homemade "Towel Roll".
Watch this!
Remedy Four:
If all fails, a good old karate chopping massage might be just what you need. That poor muscle needs to be tenderized and loosened up. An ointment may also be the thing to help relieve the torture. A cool menthol salve could soothe the pain. This is the absolute cure for me. I had a total of three (3) painful, teeth-gritting, 10-15 minutes karate chopping massage all in all, before I am totally cured. My mom's the best physician ever!
Remedy Five:
Improper posture and stressful lifestyle might also contribute to having a stiff neck. Try this exercise:
Exercises that will make your neck stronger: ^_^ (Yeap, there is such a thing like this...)

This neck exercises will strengthen the muscles that allow your head to flex forward, bend back, laterally flexion and rotate.
Palmer, Roy (2005-2012). How To Treat Your Stiff Neck. Retrieved from
Nav Gill (2003). The Neck Pain Relief Shop. A Division of Arc 4 Life. Retrieved from
Happy to have my old neck back! ^_^
Stranger Passing-By
Remedy One:
This worked a little for me. First, lie down and rest your head on a pile of blanket and pillow. Carefully move and roll your head in every direction. Make sure to stop on the most painful spot and count slowly from one to eight and back. Roll slowly and keep on rolling until your head becomes like an well-oiled rolling machine. I know, I know, every roll will hurt. But no pain, no gain! One more thing, while rolling, put your weight to it. Don't half-carry half-roll your head.
Remedy Two:
Now in a standing or sitting position, try rotating your head with the help of your hands to its limits. This is also painful but the strained muscles need to be relaxed. Rotate it right and left, up and down with each time counting slowly from one to eight and back. The more it hurts, the more you have to do it. This worked a lot for me.
Remedy Three:
I believe that prevention is better than cure. So change that mattress and pillows already. If it had already turned hard and uncomfortable, it only means that it's time for a new one. Or if you're a little short on money and you are not used to pillows, try sleeping with your very own homemade "Towel Roll".
"With using no pillow or using a very flat pillow, you are not getting
the proper support or C Curve that you need in the cervical spine. When
you roll on your side, your head and neck is going to be cranked to the
side, which can cause neck pain and muscle stiffness. Not to have any
support is an unnatural position for your neck, and can lead to bad neck
posture. So, using no pillow is not recommended."
A wrong pillow can absolutely cause a stiff neck. The muscles in your neck and upper
back can tighten up and spasm. Choosing the size of your pillow must be based on
your height and weight. (Nav Gill (2003). The Neck Pain Relief Shop. A Division of Arc 4 Life.
Retrieved from Watch this!
Remedy Four:
If all fails, a good old karate chopping massage might be just what you need. That poor muscle needs to be tenderized and loosened up. An ointment may also be the thing to help relieve the torture. A cool menthol salve could soothe the pain. This is the absolute cure for me. I had a total of three (3) painful, teeth-gritting, 10-15 minutes karate chopping massage all in all, before I am totally cured. My mom's the best physician ever!
Remedy Five:
Improper posture and stressful lifestyle might also contribute to having a stiff neck. Try this exercise:
Bring Your Chin to Your Chest Slowly and Hold for 10-15 seconds |
Bring your right ear to your right shoulder; Hold for 10-15 seconds. |
Turn Your Head Right and Left; Hold for 10-15 seconds. |

This neck exercises will strengthen the muscles that allow your head to flex forward, bend back, laterally flexion and rotate.
Palmer, Roy (2005-2012). How To Treat Your Stiff Neck. Retrieved from
Nav Gill (2003). The Neck Pain Relief Shop. A Division of Arc 4 Life. Retrieved from
Happy to have my old neck back! ^_^
Stranger Passing-By
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
A Piece of Home
I'm sure there will come a time for everyone of us to experience moving and living in a new house, dealing with a new neighborhood, seeing a lot of new faces and familiarizing ourselves starting from kitchen drawers to the crooks and nooks of every street there is to know, and no matter how eager you were to get away from that old house that had sheltered you for countless years, I'm sure that one day you'll think back to all the accustomed switches and doorknobs and positions of furniture that even with the lights turned off, you can move around from room to room without bumping into them, and then you'll realize how much you have missed that web-covered and weather-beaten house you had once called home.
Homesick? Well, not really... okay, maybe just a little... Alright! Alright! I missed the house but mostly I missed the old friendly neighborhood and the roads that I have walked up and down for thousand times, the convenience of buying just about anything and the favorite hangout places after school but most of all, the memories of being a child. I was in this mood while I was walking along Ongpin street, down in Chinatown, heading for home. I was really missing something but only nothing when I came by a bakeshop where my mom has once brought me to. I went in and the sweet aroma of bread and butter welcomed me warmly. For me nothing beats a local Chinese bakery store. Laid out on the counters are all my favorite pastries, from the warm pandesals to all sorts of hopias and to the famous tikoys. Mooncakes are also being sold as early as August and pies litter the see-through coolers. I bought an egg pie and really took my time in choosing one. It has to be golden yellow but not too rich and has to be soft but still firm. I finally picked my choice and as soon as everything is boxed and set, I went home feeling happy and thinking that I am bringing a piece of home to--- home.
A Home will always be a Home.
Stranger Passing-By
Homesick? Well, not really... okay, maybe just a little... Alright! Alright! I missed the house but mostly I missed the old friendly neighborhood and the roads that I have walked up and down for thousand times, the convenience of buying just about anything and the favorite hangout places after school but most of all, the memories of being a child. I was in this mood while I was walking along Ongpin street, down in Chinatown, heading for home. I was really missing something but only nothing when I came by a bakeshop where my mom has once brought me to. I went in and the sweet aroma of bread and butter welcomed me warmly. For me nothing beats a local Chinese bakery store. Laid out on the counters are all my favorite pastries, from the warm pandesals to all sorts of hopias and to the famous tikoys. Mooncakes are also being sold as early as August and pies litter the see-through coolers. I bought an egg pie and really took my time in choosing one. It has to be golden yellow but not too rich and has to be soft but still firm. I finally picked my choice and as soon as everything is boxed and set, I went home feeling happy and thinking that I am bringing a piece of home to--- home.
A Home will always be a Home.
Stranger Passing-By
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Soaring Fantasy: Once a Bookworm, Always a Bookworm
Hey there again! Good to be back. I must admit I missed using the internet. For the past few months it had always been work, work and work. So stressful and sleep deprived. Urgh. Good thing I have these little wonderful things that kept me going. I shall share them to you. They are called "drugs". Try them, it'll make you feel ALIVE! and rolling on floor laughing. LOL. Kidding. Never used them, never literally seen them but have just studied them. Can't help it, it's part of our curriculum. Okay, okay, getting to where I have started again. As I was saying, it was really fortunate of me to have Fantasy by my side all the time. Thank You Lord for the list below that I would soon be providing. It became my strength and somehow my happiness and sometimes I just can't help getting addicted to it. I know it sounds a little bad, but I have always tried controlling myself and limiting myself to them. But then again... :3
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Books 1-7
My favorite of all favorites. It was my uncle who gave me this first book. I have this exact copy of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe somewhere stashed together with my other great books.
Book 1-12 + Special edition books.
The first book of The Series of Unfortunate Events. These are not for the weak-hearted and the easily scared. Please choose another book and save yourself while you still can.;)
Well, what do you know, these are the books ^_^ They are definitely too many to mention.
Okay, probably you already know what I'm going to say next, but this book is my first Animorph book. My mom bought this for me and since then---you get the picture. Tobias is my favorite Animorph character. He is so like me ;) plus he seems mysterious and deep. A character I find absolutely amusing.
Numero Seis:
A simple yet touching story of a Wind Singer by William Nicholson. I love this for its remarkably lovely and pure tale of a two siblings fighting their way to bring back what has belonged to their once peaceful and happy city. This is a story that will always give me a sense of tranquility and somehow freedom.
I bought this at the National Bookstore on that fateful day.
Numero Siete:
Fairies, pixies, princesses, kittens and glues. Who knows that they can actually make a great combination. The Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan, master of the evil glue factory unleashes a realm of great dangers, magics and spells, and KITTENS!!! Funny, cute and cuddly all mixed into this crooked bowl of fantasy and more fantasy! You'll love this for sure! :3
Numero Ocho:
Time for mischief, darkness, evil parents and buttons as we clutch our knuckles, held our breathes and follow Coraline into another part of the world behind a little bricked door. A very spine-chilling adventure and heart seizing story of Coraline, a horror/fantasy novella by British author Neil Gaiman and later turned movie by director Henry Selick. Please read this with caution and try not to have a heart attack. I was literally holding my breathe on some parts of the story. So creepily beautiful! O.o
Be careful what you wish for...
Numero Nueve:
A little trip down to memory lane of life and death with Mitch Albom telling his lonely yet happy tales of "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" can send you filling buckets with tears and flooding your bedroom floor with tissues. Experience enlightenment, inspiration and life as you travel deeper into the promised world. I swear I just cried and cried my eyes out as I read these but after reading them, I felt warmth and a sense of joy. Going crazy? I guess not. Experience them for yourself. :)
My Some-done-some-still-not Bucket List
I must supply you with a lot of pictures because later my words might get a little incomprehensible. Haha. ^_^
Numero Uno:
I love Animes as much as books but sometimes getting it visual is way wayyyy cooler!
This is The Legend of Korra. She is the next sequence to The Legend of Aang. It tells a tale of how a world of four elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth, struggles to live harmoniously together under the guidance of a spiritual leader, the Avatar. The Avatar is the spirit of the world that keeps balance to nature and is capable of bending all the four elements. In The Legend of Aang, the world was greatly fell out of balance when the Fire nation tried to conquer the world for themselves. In doing so, they'll need to eliminate the Avatar. It was a very very very long but amazing story and it is better to watch them all instead. The Legend of Korra then follows the story of Aang only that now, she must face a whole lot of new problems while still undergo training herself. It is really a must watch! So you really must watch it!
Numero Dos:
Time for some books! One of my favorite is a novel created by Christopher Paolini. The Inheritance Cycle of Eragon. I was hooked to it at once when my best friend first lend me its first book. It is a wonderful mixture of fantasy, adventure, romance, friendship and trust. In Eragon, the young dragon rider must learn to connect with his new found dragon friend, Saphira and all the while battling the evil forces, learning magics, training combat skills and finding a way to not fall off a thousand feet high above the ground. Book 1 is heart-pounding, Book 2 is shuddering and nerve-wracking, Book 3 is sooooooo @#.amp>?!!!*&%! COOL and Book 4 is despairingly unknown. I haven't read it yet. T.T So if anyone out there that have a copy, please please please don't hesitate to lend it to me. ^_^ I'll appreciate it very very much. Thank you. ^_^
Numero Tres:
The Chronicles of Narnia never ever failed me. They kept all my expectations till the very end. If you are looking for inspirations and a very good story to read, tell you what, your search is over. The Chronicles of Narnia are really a masterpiece by C.S. Lewis. They kept me going till the end. All seven of them are indescribably good! I'm sure you saw the movie--- or movies, well... I assure you, the book is even better, especially the final book, the Last Battle, where the final judgement will be passed. A Revelation.
Numero Cuatro:
More books! The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket is my all time favorite! A twist of evil with something of comedy?! and not to forget tragic always is the work of art in the three orphans' world. Violet, Claus and Sunny, three children that have suddenly stumbled head over heels into a world their parents have hidden away from them. Their only friends are their instincts, skills and talents, and each other. For trusting anyone might just add more tragic to their already tragic-filled lives. This is by far one of the greatest books that have read. Creepy at some points and absolutely wonderful at some. These are books that will leave you speechless, heartbreak and mind blown. These I can guarantee you. Have a safe reading!
Numero Cinco:
Okay, time for books and TV series. I present to you... Dat Dararat Darat... The Animorphs! Cool books by K.A. Applegate. If you're looking for something funny, action-filled, a-lot-of-sound-effects, cool and fun books; then you'll enjoy these not-just-for-kids pocketbooks. I'm 21 years old and I definitely still love these (Walang kokontra please :)). Nothing beats a good moderately-bigger-fonts-than-Dan Brown's-novels suitable for all ages books. Plus they really morph! You'll know what I'm saying when you start reading them. ;)
Numero Seis:
A simple yet touching story of a Wind Singer by William Nicholson. I love this for its remarkably lovely and pure tale of a two siblings fighting their way to bring back what has belonged to their once peaceful and happy city. This is a story that will always give me a sense of tranquility and somehow freedom.
Numero Siete:
Numero Ocho:
Time for mischief, darkness, evil parents and buttons as we clutch our knuckles, held our breathes and follow Coraline into another part of the world behind a little bricked door. A very spine-chilling adventure and heart seizing story of Coraline, a horror/fantasy novella by British author Neil Gaiman and later turned movie by director Henry Selick. Please read this with caution and try not to have a heart attack. I was literally holding my breathe on some parts of the story. So creepily beautiful! O.o
Numero Nueve:
A little trip down to memory lane of life and death with Mitch Albom telling his lonely yet happy tales of "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" can send you filling buckets with tears and flooding your bedroom floor with tissues. Experience enlightenment, inspiration and life as you travel deeper into the promised world. I swear I just cried and cried my eyes out as I read these but after reading them, I felt warmth and a sense of joy. Going crazy? I guess not. Experience them for yourself. :)
Numero Diez:
Back to some anime or in this case manga turned TV drama series. Bloody Monday, a creation of Tadashi Agi, shows the life of an under-aged, hacker prodigy and high school student, Fujimaru Takagi who accidentally hacked into a top secret information and exposed an attempted terrorist attack in Japan. Sending the terrorist leader to jail, Fujimaru thought everything was once again back to normal, only when later did he knows that everything was far from being normal. Torn from duties, moral, friendship and hatred, the protagonist fights his way to save his family, friends, Japan and later the world.
Miura Haruma playing the part of Fujimaru Takagi. So totally COOOOOOOOOOOL! Hahahahaha <3>3>
Back to some anime or in this case manga turned TV drama series. Bloody Monday, a creation of Tadashi Agi, shows the life of an under-aged, hacker prodigy and high school student, Fujimaru Takagi who accidentally hacked into a top secret information and exposed an attempted terrorist attack in Japan. Sending the terrorist leader to jail, Fujimaru thought everything was once again back to normal, only when later did he knows that everything was far from being normal. Torn from duties, moral, friendship and hatred, the protagonist fights his way to save his family, friends, Japan and later the world.
*Please take note that the numbers are not really rankings. They were all
so great, I just don't know which one to put first or last. Seriously! There are still soooooo many that I want to share with you, if Numero Once is still possible, I would put in Stephen King's Pet Sematary. Another hair-raising and breath-stopping thing to read, but I have run out of pages...who knows blogging got limits... so sad so sad hahahaha. Till the next post! Thank you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed ^_^
Stranger Passing-By signing off but still a bookworm <3 gobble...gobble="gobble...gobble"> :0
Stranger Passing-By
Stranger Passing-By signing off but still a bookworm <3 gobble...gobble="gobble...gobble"> :0
Stranger Passing-By
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Water Road
August 07, 2012
05:20 AM
The scene outside our window looks like something straight out of the movie "2012", a film depicting how earth would look like when the end of time have finally arrived. Heavy rain started falling last night. The result? The whole streets outside are flooded with water levels rising to the height of an average man's chest. It's sad to think that the world have turned out to be like this. A couple of rain falls and POOF! One big swimming pool suddenly appeared where the roads and streets should have been. At first it was all new and exciting but then it turns scary. The city suddenly seems like some sort of a ghost town. Not a single soul can be seen outside. Just water. Pure, deep, murky, garbage-filled, don't-know-what-that-floating-thing-is water. People are forced to stay indoors with limited food supplies and no electricity. But despite of this calamity, I find it amusing to see some people who still managed to put on a smile. This is the one thing that I truly admire in a Filipino. The ability to laugh and smile and see the lighter side of everything. The sacrificial spirit of Bayanihan is also worth noticing. From the non-stop operation of the LRT, the almost 24-hour duty of patrolling officers keeping the people safe, to the voluntary local residents. Our simple heroes. It made me feel a lot better knowing that all hope have not yet been lost. There is still goodness left in this world. Though, it made me think again, what would the future be like 10 or 20 years from now? Will it be better or will it be worst? One thing's for sure: no one knows. Only God will have the answers.
I am still thankful for everything. The rain seemed to have washed the air thoroughly, like very dirty clothes in an ultra cleaning washing machine with super whitening detergents. No more smoke, no more dust, no more pollution, just pure, cold, fresh, delightful air. A very wonderful thing to be thankful of.
An account last Tuesday.
Stranger Passing-By
05:20 AM
The scene outside our window looks like something straight out of the movie "2012", a film depicting how earth would look like when the end of time have finally arrived. Heavy rain started falling last night. The result? The whole streets outside are flooded with water levels rising to the height of an average man's chest. It's sad to think that the world have turned out to be like this. A couple of rain falls and POOF! One big swimming pool suddenly appeared where the roads and streets should have been. At first it was all new and exciting but then it turns scary. The city suddenly seems like some sort of a ghost town. Not a single soul can be seen outside. Just water. Pure, deep, murky, garbage-filled, don't-know-what-that-floating-thing-is water. People are forced to stay indoors with limited food supplies and no electricity. But despite of this calamity, I find it amusing to see some people who still managed to put on a smile. This is the one thing that I truly admire in a Filipino. The ability to laugh and smile and see the lighter side of everything. The sacrificial spirit of Bayanihan is also worth noticing. From the non-stop operation of the LRT, the almost 24-hour duty of patrolling officers keeping the people safe, to the voluntary local residents. Our simple heroes. It made me feel a lot better knowing that all hope have not yet been lost. There is still goodness left in this world. Though, it made me think again, what would the future be like 10 or 20 years from now? Will it be better or will it be worst? One thing's for sure: no one knows. Only God will have the answers.
I am still thankful for everything. The rain seemed to have washed the air thoroughly, like very dirty clothes in an ultra cleaning washing machine with super whitening detergents. No more smoke, no more dust, no more pollution, just pure, cold, fresh, delightful air. A very wonderful thing to be thankful of.
Our local hero.
Submerged vehicle.
Stranded people.
An account last Tuesday.
Stranger Passing-By
Sunday, August 12, 2012
A Peak Up North
Last week, we went for a 2-day visit to Baguio. Sounds bitin right? But it had been a very nice quick get-away vacation for me. If you could consider that as a vacation. Haha. LOL! Anyway, the trip going there was really brain shaking. (Literally! The bus jerked a lot! >.<) We sat inside the bus for more that 6 hours and all we did was eat, sleep, sit, go to the bathroom and eat, sleep, sit and go to the bathroom some more. Haha. The travel was tiring but it was worth it. We departed at around 6am and arrived there at approximately half past 2. By the time we get there, we were exhausted, dizzy from the zigzagging road trip and unbelievably famished. We ate a quick lunch and headed straight to our hotel. (This would be my second time to actually check in a hotel. Yeay! :3 ) The place was nice, classy looking and everything that you can expect from a 4 star hotel. I always like to venture out and look at everything whenever I'm in a new place. The first thing I checked out is our room. The floors are all wonderfully covered with carpets! So delightfully soft and so very ticklish. Haha. The bathroom is nice and the bathtub is nicer! Plans were already forming... must try that tub! ^_^ I still wanted to explore the whole place, but slumber kept calling me. I was thinking maybe I can steal a little nap but then there were things to be done. Anyway, the next morning, I woke up extra early and turned on the heater to the tub! Oh sweet sweet Glee! I've always wondered how it would feel like. It turned out to be great and better that I have imagined and those in the movies combined. It was like floating in a pool but with a great deal of lather and bubbles all around. I spent 30 minutes or so in there feeling weightless. An absolute, terrific, must-try experience!
Breakfast came around 7 and after eating, we headed straight to the market. The rain didn't stop us and by the time we got there, there were already a lot of people rushing along with their own businesses. This was the first time that I hiked, climbed and shopped at the same time! For the market was built on the steep side of a cemented mountain. Fruits, vegetables, handicrafts and local food stuffs like strawberry and ube jams filled the whole place. People here, people there, shopping, shouting, buying and negotiating. It almost seemed like a typical market if you didn't consider the getting-steeper road, weird fruits hanging by bunch that I later knew was called a Ratan, and the cool very cool climate that I swear we could breathe cold smoke out when the temperature dropped even further. After an hour or so of walking and buying, it was time to go home. We loaded the bus and chose the best possible seats. The trip home was a little nicer and friendlier expect for the person sitting right in front of me who kept leaning the seat way back and stopping the chair within inches...scratch that...I deeply believe, centimeters away from me. It was annoying but I know starting a fight would be futile. So I just sat back and try to sleep while driving my invisible knives into the back of his head. Haha. But aside from that, the whole journey was just great! ^_^
Breakfast came around 7 and after eating, we headed straight to the market. The rain didn't stop us and by the time we got there, there were already a lot of people rushing along with their own businesses. This was the first time that I hiked, climbed and shopped at the same time! For the market was built on the steep side of a cemented mountain. Fruits, vegetables, handicrafts and local food stuffs like strawberry and ube jams filled the whole place. People here, people there, shopping, shouting, buying and negotiating. It almost seemed like a typical market if you didn't consider the getting-steeper road, weird fruits hanging by bunch that I later knew was called a Ratan, and the cool very cool climate that I swear we could breathe cold smoke out when the temperature dropped even further. After an hour or so of walking and buying, it was time to go home. We loaded the bus and chose the best possible seats. The trip home was a little nicer and friendlier expect for the person sitting right in front of me who kept leaning the seat way back and stopping the chair within inches...scratch that...I deeply believe, centimeters away from me. It was annoying but I know starting a fight would be futile. So I just sat back and try to sleep while driving my invisible knives into the back of his head. Haha. But aside from that, the whole journey was just great! ^_^
Shot outside the window of our hotel room. It was pretty amazing. Hundreds and thousands of houses all built on the side of mountains. They looked like little toy houses stuck on walls. Cool Architectures!
A sample of the weird fruit called Ratan. As big as a thumb, as round as a ball, as scaly looking as a snake's skin and as sour as the most sour vinegar in the whole wide world! Credit goes to the nice lady selling these peculiar hanging down from vines in bunches fruits! Sweet Sourness!
Glimpsing what's up north!
Stranger Passing-By
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Secret of Cream of Mushroom Burger Steak
And now we're back again to another yet exciting new discovery of the world of cooking! Lol! Actually, I just want to share a certain technique that I have learned from preparing this dish. All compliments goes to my one and only Mom! Mother always do knows the best! ;) OK, so let's get started! This is really super duper easy to make! Very suitable for the busy people.
"COOKING 103 : Secret of Cream of Mushroom Burger Steak"

The first step is always the preparation of ingredients. For today's menu, I used Argentina Deli Burger Patties. I used to use WOW Family Burger Patties but after I tried Argentina's, I immediately knew the difference.
The second and last ingredient is the sliced button mushrooms.

The quality of this patty is better than that of WOW's. Trust me. ^_^
The second and last ingredient is the sliced button mushrooms.
(Separate the mushrooms first from the liquid part inside the can and set them aside.)
Then heat oil in frying pan. And while waiting, let's do the sauce!
I was really wondering how I was going to make the sauce.
I was thinking I should have bought a pack of ready-to-make gravy, when my mom taught me this technique. I was surprised when she
started mixing the liquid part of the canned button mushroom we set aside earlier with flour. She then added a little soy sauce for the brownish complex of the gravy. The result... as good as gravy!
(Note: No need to put any seasonings anymore. The patties are a natural! They'll do the trick!) ^_^
(Note: No need to put any seasonings anymore. The patties are a natural! They'll do the trick!) ^_^

As soon as the oil is hot enough, throw in the patties and start frying them up! Turn them on their backs once in a while and when they turned delightfully red, put in the mushrooms and the sauce. Pour it all over the burgers. Wait till they started boiling then turn off heat.

Voila! Creamy mushroom burger steak with drooling sauce on top of rice! It was really a treat and very easy to make! Cook one up for yourself now!
Another notice to the public:
Before attempting to perform this experiment, please wear your masks, gloves, aprons and shield (highly recommended). The battle with the oil will begin once you throw in the patties!
Good Luck! ^_^
Secrets of life.
Stranger Passing-By
Good Luck! ^_^
Secrets of life.
Stranger Passing-By
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
An Unofficial Expedition
Sorry for the long wait but here it is now. Our Laboratory offers
home-services and for months now, I have watched my other colleagues
go in and out doing house-call duties and had always wondered how it
felt like. Imagine, doing extractions in an unfamiliar territory.
Hmm...Sounds like a challenge to me! Haha. And finally, drum roll please
^_^ , I get to experience it!!! Yeay! Well, it all happened early this
morning when I was suddenly informed that I would be sent out for
service. I eagerly accepted the request but my heart was already racing
even when I was still starting to prepare my Anyway, my assigned location was in
some area in Tondo. A ride and a companion were provided. It was really
a good thing that they sent someone with me to do all the chatting and
to keep me from getting a nervous breakdown. Haha. The ride took about
15-20 minutes and within those minutes, I kept repeating to myself
"Lord, please help me...please, please, please" over and over again. By
the time we get there, I was surprisingly calm. The owner greeted me and
I replied with a cheerful smile. They let us in and we waited for a few
minutes before letting me proceed to the second floor. The patient was
laying on his bed and he looked really really really thin. His eyes were
deep but nevertheless, we spoke like we were long time acquaintances.
Eventually, I learned that he have colon cancer and that he had been
recently admitted to the hospital. Nothing is much more scarier that
having an enemy that is destroying you from the inside. The extraction
was a success and I felt that the Lord was with me the whole time. The
trip home was shorter and by the time I get back back to my workplace,
routine activities resumed.
After work, a friend of mine treated us some Fruitas, a fruit drink. Yum! While we were waiting for our fruit shakes, a man suddenly came in the store and looked at us. We were still wearing our uniformed scrub suits when he said "Asiatic", the name of the place where I work, and took out a 500 php bill and paid for our drinks. We were shocked but we thanked him immediately. Turned out he is a regular customer in the laboratory. I was still smiling when my friend decided to treat us in Wai Ying for some snacks. We ordered hofan noodles, siomai, raddish cakes and other dimsums. We chatted, laughed, joked and ate some more. Afterwards, it was time to go our separate ways. I went home happy and full. I didn't even eat dinner anymore. Haha. Anyway, this is an account of my day. Thank you so much for reading. Hope you are now hungry. Lol.
Thanking the Lord for this day.
Stranger Passing-By
After work, a friend of mine treated us some Fruitas, a fruit drink. Yum! While we were waiting for our fruit shakes, a man suddenly came in the store and looked at us. We were still wearing our uniformed scrub suits when he said "Asiatic", the name of the place where I work, and took out a 500 php bill and paid for our drinks. We were shocked but we thanked him immediately. Turned out he is a regular customer in the laboratory. I was still smiling when my friend decided to treat us in Wai Ying for some snacks. We ordered hofan noodles, siomai, raddish cakes and other dimsums. We chatted, laughed, joked and ate some more. Afterwards, it was time to go our separate ways. I went home happy and full. I didn't even eat dinner anymore. Haha. Anyway, this is an account of my day. Thank you so much for reading. Hope you are now hungry. Lol.
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This is me early this morning, wearing my lab.gown and scrubs. ^_^ |
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This is the surprise treat! Each day is really like a present. You'll never know what you'll get! Woohoo! Best Day Ever!!! |
Thanking the Lord for this day.
Stranger Passing-By
Friday, July 06, 2012
Dreamy Woolen Sky
It takes a light sleeper to wake up to the curious smell of dark rich coffee brewing but May seems to always have keen senses. Her mind is still in its semi-conscious state as she looked at the clock hanging beside her. It reads 10 past 5 in the morning. The room is still and even breathings can be heard from below where her other siblings slept soundly. She looked outside the window. The rising sun is always the most wonderful thing to behold. She lay down for a while longer and enjoyed the scenery. Dawns are always a sight to see because of the magnificent streaks of contrasting colors that were made bolder by the rays of sun. She took one last look at it and finally dragged herself out of the bed. Another sun, another day. Time to go to work again. Her salary as a part time waitress is just enough to cover their daily needs but now their rent's due is almost up and if they failed to pay again, they would be forced to live on the streets.
Sheets of rain came pouring down like blankets of wool covering the ground. It began raining as soon as she stepped out of her dingy old apartment. She walked right through them. Tiny raindrops tickled her arms and dampened her clothes despite her efforts to stay dry. Her bent umbrella is of little use as she hurried down the sidewalk. When she passed by a cafe shop, she glanced up and saw herself on the glassed windows. A cold lonely girl stared right back at her. Years of labor suddenly left her empty and weak. She let her broken umbrella fall to the ground as she continued staring at her own reflection. A smile slowly formed itself up. She looked up the sky and for the first time in her life, she enjoyed the rain. Still faced up, she laughed and let her laughter ring down the streets. Her clothes now cling to her skin as she began walking again. She very much wants to continue her studies and someday become a doctor. And after she graduates, she would like to help other people and to help her siblings finish their schooling. She would also like to have her own house where her family would stay and maybe someday open a clinic to treat and offer free assistance to sick patients. These were her thoughts as she rushed across the street to push a frightened little girl away from a screeching vehicle.
Everything suddenly became a blur as she lay there on the middle of the road. A bright light suddenly appeared from the sky and shone at her. She smiled as caress hands held her gently and lead her towards empty space.
More people are now hovering around her. Some watched, some looked confused and some just wondered. A serene smile can be clearly seen on her pale face as distant sirens can be heard approaching.
What if one day we wake up and realize that we have been living in a world where we don't belong. That everything we have worked for and earned for is nothing of worth. What if everything is just a lie. What if... but what if your whole being will be taken away from you this instance but in turn something more, something beyond our nature and understanding will be replaced in us. Would you accept the change? Would you answer God's call when the time have come? Would you have all the confidence, strength and faith it has to give up everything just to serve our Lord?
This is the story of May.
Stranger Passing-By
Sheets of rain came pouring down like blankets of wool covering the ground. It began raining as soon as she stepped out of her dingy old apartment. She walked right through them. Tiny raindrops tickled her arms and dampened her clothes despite her efforts to stay dry. Her bent umbrella is of little use as she hurried down the sidewalk. When she passed by a cafe shop, she glanced up and saw herself on the glassed windows. A cold lonely girl stared right back at her. Years of labor suddenly left her empty and weak. She let her broken umbrella fall to the ground as she continued staring at her own reflection. A smile slowly formed itself up. She looked up the sky and for the first time in her life, she enjoyed the rain. Still faced up, she laughed and let her laughter ring down the streets. Her clothes now cling to her skin as she began walking again. She very much wants to continue her studies and someday become a doctor. And after she graduates, she would like to help other people and to help her siblings finish their schooling. She would also like to have her own house where her family would stay and maybe someday open a clinic to treat and offer free assistance to sick patients. These were her thoughts as she rushed across the street to push a frightened little girl away from a screeching vehicle.
Everything suddenly became a blur as she lay there on the middle of the road. A bright light suddenly appeared from the sky and shone at her. She smiled as caress hands held her gently and lead her towards empty space.
More people are now hovering around her. Some watched, some looked confused and some just wondered. A serene smile can be clearly seen on her pale face as distant sirens can be heard approaching.
What if one day we wake up and realize that we have been living in a world where we don't belong. That everything we have worked for and earned for is nothing of worth. What if everything is just a lie. What if... but what if your whole being will be taken away from you this instance but in turn something more, something beyond our nature and understanding will be replaced in us. Would you accept the change? Would you answer God's call when the time have come? Would you have all the confidence, strength and faith it has to give up everything just to serve our Lord?
This is the story of May.
Stranger Passing-By
Monday, July 02, 2012
A Stew with Pork Bulalo <排骨汤>
It's time for another cooking mania! I came up with this little recipe and good thing it came out alright. Haha. LOL. I'm really not into cookbooks with all the strict measurements and cups but I'm more of the Hmm-it-needs-a-little-more-this-and-that type. Though I sometimes get ideas from cookbooks and food magazines but I would usually change the ingredients into those that can be more conveniently bought. Convenience, practicality and budgeting are my top priorities when it comes into buying products.
So...what are we still waiting for! Lets get those knives working and pots boiling for this is what I call Cooking 102 : A Stew with Pork Bulalo.
So...what are we still waiting for! Lets get those knives working and pots boiling for this is what I call Cooking 102 : A Stew with Pork Bulalo.
"COOKING 102 : A Stew with Pork Bulalo"
I bought 2 kilos of Pork Spareribs but if you want, a kilo would do nicely too.
Now, the first thing to do with these red meats are to wash them thoroughly and marinate them with soy sauce, fish sauce, chili sauce, rock salts, whole black peppers and chopped garlic.
Afterwards, prepare a cooking pot and fill it half full with water. Bring it to a boil and add the main ingredients in.
It is crucial to remember that the water level should only be half of the pot's capacity because after adding the meat, eureka will occur as shown in the photo. ;)
While waiting for the pork bulalo to start boiling again, lets start chopping and dicing up some potatoes and carrots. To dice is to slice up vegetables, usually root crops into fine 5x5 cm. long. Haha. Kidding. Just do what I did on the picture at the right and you'll be just fine...but if you need rulers, go ahead! ^_^

Alright! We're half way done.
Now, this would be the part where I would like to call "foams" would form.
When the stew began boiling, these foams will began to accumulate and they have to be taken out, because if not, they will over flow and spill all over the kitchen floor. Not a great sight and quite hazardous too.
Okay, so what I did is that I spoon them out one by one. It is really hard work because they kept forming and the steam is getting really hot but endurance would be the key to success. Haha. In this case, success to a perfectly stewed pork bulalo. ^_^
After boiling for 30-35 minutes, put in the potatoes and the carrots.
Put on lid and simmer for another 10-15 minutes or until tender.
And finally, add in sugar and seasonings. For me, I put in a rare surprise of chili green pepper (right) and curd beans (left) for that authentic Chinese cuisine flavor.
Caution: There is already a report of a pandemic spreading of a virus called the Mad Pork Disease. Infected people are often asymptomatic but they always tend to behave in an irrational way of over eating even the utensils and the pots. If spotted, please report immediately to your local police department and squads of zombies will surely be on their way.
Reminder: Please eat cautiously.
Stranger Passing-By
Now, the first thing to do with these red meats are to wash them thoroughly and marinate them with soy sauce, fish sauce, chili sauce, rock salts, whole black peppers and chopped garlic.
Afterwards, prepare a cooking pot and fill it half full with water. Bring it to a boil and add the main ingredients in.
It is crucial to remember that the water level should only be half of the pot's capacity because after adding the meat, eureka will occur as shown in the photo. ;)
While waiting for the pork bulalo to start boiling again, lets start chopping and dicing up some potatoes and carrots. To dice is to slice up vegetables, usually root crops into fine 5x5 cm. long. Haha. Kidding. Just do what I did on the picture at the right and you'll be just fine...but if you need rulers, go ahead! ^_^

Alright! We're half way done.
Now, this would be the part where I would like to call "foams" would form.
When the stew began boiling, these foams will began to accumulate and they have to be taken out, because if not, they will over flow and spill all over the kitchen floor. Not a great sight and quite hazardous too.
Okay, so what I did is that I spoon them out one by one. It is really hard work because they kept forming and the steam is getting really hot but endurance would be the key to success. Haha. In this case, success to a perfectly stewed pork bulalo. ^_^
After boiling for 30-35 minutes, put in the potatoes and the carrots.
Put on lid and simmer for another 10-15 minutes or until tender.
And finally, add in sugar and seasonings. For me, I put in a rare surprise of chili green pepper (right) and curd beans (left) for that authentic Chinese cuisine flavor.
Bon Appétit!
Caution: There is already a report of a pandemic spreading of a virus called the Mad Pork Disease. Infected people are often asymptomatic but they always tend to behave in an irrational way of over eating even the utensils and the pots. If spotted, please report immediately to your local police department and squads of zombies will surely be on their way.
Reminder: Please eat cautiously.
Stranger Passing-By
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