My Some-done-some-still-not Bucket List
I must supply you with a lot of pictures because later my words might get a little incomprehensible. Haha. ^_^
Numero Uno:
I love Animes as much as books but sometimes getting it visual is way wayyyy cooler!
This is The Legend of Korra. She is the next sequence to The Legend of Aang. It tells a tale of how a world of four elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth, struggles to live harmoniously together under the guidance of a spiritual leader, the Avatar. The Avatar is the spirit of the world that keeps balance to nature and is capable of bending all the four elements. In The Legend of Aang, the world was greatly fell out of balance when the Fire nation tried to conquer the world for themselves. In doing so, they'll need to eliminate the Avatar. It was a very very very long but amazing story and it is better to watch them all instead. The Legend of Korra then follows the story of Aang only that now, she must face a whole lot of new problems while still undergo training herself. It is really a must watch! So you really must watch it!
Numero Dos:
Time for some books! One of my favorite is a novel created by Christopher Paolini. The Inheritance Cycle of Eragon. I was hooked to it at once when my best friend first lend me its first book. It is a wonderful mixture of fantasy, adventure, romance, friendship and trust. In Eragon, the young dragon rider must learn to connect with his new found dragon friend, Saphira and all the while battling the evil forces, learning magics, training combat skills and finding a way to not fall off a thousand feet high above the ground. Book 1 is heart-pounding, Book 2 is shuddering and nerve-wracking, Book 3 is sooooooo @#.amp>?!!!*&%! COOL and Book 4 is despairingly unknown. I haven't read it yet. T.T So if anyone out there that have a copy, please please please don't hesitate to lend it to me. ^_^ I'll appreciate it very very much. Thank you. ^_^
Numero Tres:
The Chronicles of Narnia never ever failed me. They kept all my expectations till the very end. If you are looking for inspirations and a very good story to read, tell you what, your search is over. The Chronicles of Narnia are really a masterpiece by C.S. Lewis. They kept me going till the end. All seven of them are indescribably good! I'm sure you saw the movie--- or movies, well... I assure you, the book is even better, especially the final book, the Last Battle, where the final judgement will be passed. A Revelation.
Numero Cuatro:
More books! The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket is my all time favorite! A twist of evil with something of comedy?! and not to forget tragic always is the work of art in the three orphans' world. Violet, Claus and Sunny, three children that have suddenly stumbled head over heels into a world their parents have hidden away from them. Their only friends are their instincts, skills and talents, and each other. For trusting anyone might just add more tragic to their already tragic-filled lives. This is by far one of the greatest books that have read. Creepy at some points and absolutely wonderful at some. These are books that will leave you speechless, heartbreak and mind blown. These I can guarantee you. Have a safe reading!
Numero Cinco:
Okay, time for books and TV series. I present to you... Dat Dararat Darat... The Animorphs! Cool books by K.A. Applegate. If you're looking for something funny, action-filled, a-lot-of-sound-effects, cool and fun books; then you'll enjoy these not-just-for-kids pocketbooks. I'm 21 years old and I definitely still love these (Walang kokontra please :)). Nothing beats a good moderately-bigger-fonts-than-Dan Brown's-novels suitable for all ages books. Plus they really morph! You'll know what I'm saying when you start reading them. ;)
Numero Seis:
A simple yet touching story of a Wind Singer by William Nicholson. I love this for its remarkably lovely and pure tale of a two siblings fighting their way to bring back what has belonged to their once peaceful and happy city. This is a story that will always give me a sense of tranquility and somehow freedom.
Numero Siete:
Numero Ocho:
Time for mischief, darkness, evil parents and buttons as we clutch our knuckles, held our breathes and follow Coraline into another part of the world behind a little bricked door. A very spine-chilling adventure and heart seizing story of Coraline, a horror/fantasy novella by British author Neil Gaiman and later turned movie by director Henry Selick. Please read this with caution and try not to have a heart attack. I was literally holding my breathe on some parts of the story. So creepily beautiful! O.o
Numero Nueve:
A little trip down to memory lane of life and death with Mitch Albom telling his lonely yet happy tales of "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" can send you filling buckets with tears and flooding your bedroom floor with tissues. Experience enlightenment, inspiration and life as you travel deeper into the promised world. I swear I just cried and cried my eyes out as I read these but after reading them, I felt warmth and a sense of joy. Going crazy? I guess not. Experience them for yourself. :)
Numero Diez:
Back to some anime or in this case manga turned TV drama series. Bloody Monday, a creation of Tadashi Agi, shows the life of an under-aged, hacker prodigy and high school student, Fujimaru Takagi who accidentally hacked into a top secret information and exposed an attempted terrorist attack in Japan. Sending the terrorist leader to jail, Fujimaru thought everything was once again back to normal, only when later did he knows that everything was far from being normal. Torn from duties, moral, friendship and hatred, the protagonist fights his way to save his family, friends, Japan and later the world.
Miura Haruma playing the part of Fujimaru Takagi. So totally COOOOOOOOOOOL! Hahahahaha <3>3>
Back to some anime or in this case manga turned TV drama series. Bloody Monday, a creation of Tadashi Agi, shows the life of an under-aged, hacker prodigy and high school student, Fujimaru Takagi who accidentally hacked into a top secret information and exposed an attempted terrorist attack in Japan. Sending the terrorist leader to jail, Fujimaru thought everything was once again back to normal, only when later did he knows that everything was far from being normal. Torn from duties, moral, friendship and hatred, the protagonist fights his way to save his family, friends, Japan and later the world.
*Please take note that the numbers are not really rankings. They were all
so great, I just don't know which one to put first or last. Seriously! There are still soooooo many that I want to share with you, if Numero Once is still possible, I would put in Stephen King's Pet Sematary. Another hair-raising and breath-stopping thing to read, but I have run out of pages...who knows blogging got limits... so sad so sad hahahaha. Till the next post! Thank you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed ^_^
Stranger Passing-By signing off but still a bookworm <3 gobble...gobble="gobble...gobble"> :0
Stranger Passing-By
Stranger Passing-By signing off but still a bookworm <3 gobble...gobble="gobble...gobble"> :0
Stranger Passing-By